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Saturday, September 30, 2006

ok peeps i have not fallen for temptation for the past 7 days i think i m doing ok wohoo! 3 weeks to raya... anyway, i bought my baju raya oreadi but then its not purple.... its brown.... yeah the purple tis year doesn't grab my attention... so anyway, i scald myself on thursday.. n it left a big ugly scar on my tummy n after 2 days, the swelling lessen n there is a black marking on my tummy... so being fair, it was sooo obvious... so unless i wear a 2 piece bikini, no one is able to see the ugly thingy.. it looks like art attack creation or sumthing coz the scar look like as if some one use a paint brush n purposely drip oil on my tummy...

anyway, i think my bowel system is going a little haywire... i mean heck it hurt trying out pass out a big log of crap... and i wonder how does the people manage to even put "stuff" in their rear... it hurts like hell trying to push a crap log out..... sheesh.... maybe its appendicitis or sumthing... CHOI! ok eunff disgusting stuff... today is disgusting day blog so haha take a look at my ugly scald scar

1:00 PM

Thursday, September 28, 2006

ok peeps sowwie for not writing in for ages coz my sis had been hogging the comp for 12 freaking hours yeah n now i get the chance to write in to all my fellow kepos.. at 12.32 am in the morning... so u guys must be thinking wat am i to do then, well, i ve been playing the sims...

yeah y noe the sims... once a geeky computer game icon... after a while, it faded... well its been ages since i played the sims so i bought the sims burstin out and played..... and yeah its still as addictive as ever.... i mean heck i won't give up until i get to unlock as many stuff as possible and i played tat game from 10am-6pm heck it was hypnotising.....

and juz now wen i wanted to play the comp, she made me wait ages.... she complete hog the comp... sumtimes, i dun understand my sis... she is 20 yet she act as though she is younger then me...one thing about me, i dun like to repeat myself trice.... she like to ask the same question but she break down the question so in which, i get myself repeat like 5 times..... juz becoz she is the 1st grandchild in the family, most of my aunty and uncle dotes on her heck they buy her gift every year without fail and they buy me a measly thing to not feel awkward.... well after years of biaseness, i m getting numb to it.... for once, can she stop acting like a spoil little brat and act her age and act like a responsible elder sister?.... yes we haveour ups and downs but mostly downhill... i dun tell her anymore of my secret coz i noe she is going to tell everyone.... wat kinda sister do tat to her onli younger sister? she might trust everyone.. but not me... i noe when to hold back..... gosh.... haizz for once, i dun want to keep cleaning the room after she messed it up, for once, i want her to clean the air conditioner filter... for once i want her to change the bedsheet on the bed that i gave up to her.. for once i want her to do something sincerely and tak berkira... for once, i want her to stop fighting or talking back to my parents or brother coz its noisy and irritating and make me have a bad mood... for once, i want my parents to stop putting responsibities on my shoulder juz becoz she can't....

sometimes i think i hope to much.......

12:36 AM

Monday, September 25, 2006

ok so today was my last re test paper heck it was hard so haizz i still gonna have to resit 1.1 . so anyway, i juz got back from terawih haha yeah i was force to go anyway... but of course i onli did 8.... so kinda bored wat am i to do with , my time? so i decided to play the....

MUSIC SHUFFLE GAME... and the twist is, i m going to make my own set of question!!!!!!
ok so how do i play this game? follow this step by step instruction manual

1. set ur music player to shuffle
2. read the question n press the next button on ur player.. DO NOT CHEAT!

so get the instruction already, good! let s play!

1. what do u think of urself?
supermassive black hole-muse
(uh i guess i m very deep thinking type of person)

2. how is ur parents like?
bizzare love triangle-frente
(uuuh i have the heck no idea?)

3. what are ur siblings like?
my heart- irwansyah & acha septriasa
kinda mushy so yeah they are in my heart *snicker*

4. how is ur grandparents?
me and you-cassie
yeah it onli between my and them.... keep out!

5. will i ever get married?
london bridge- fergie
i think it means my marraige might juz end up divorcing haha coz london bridge is going down!

6. how many children will i have?
overprotected- britney spears

7. what will you future husband be like?
pudar- rossa
what the heck? wats up with tat?

since my future husband n marriage is going down the drain.....

8. what will my 2nd marriage be like?
SOS- rihanna
and i thought it will be better

9. what will my 2nd husband be like?
chelo- cha cha
he gonna be spanish? cool.....

10. summarise my character.
bukan milikmu lagi- agnes monica

11. summarise my life?
pop ya collar-usher

thus i summarise, my life is gonna be hell ahahahahaa

9:48 PM

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Selamat berpuase peeps! yeah very soon i ll be saying selamat hari raya then mebbe very soon i ;ll say selamat hari raya haji sheesh time do fly.. haizz i dun even have a baju raya yet... very sianz last minute then my mum want to make... tis year i m wearing purple! DO U HHEAR THAT NADIAH? PURPLE!!! tomorrow is my last sup paper ckt... and i haven't even prepare.... wat can i say i like challenges... anyway, i think its been ages since i last exercise so i m going to start soon after raya i mean heck... i have a spare tire around my tummy... how i wish i was rich, i can just go for a lyposuction or sumthing.....have u guys ever wish u were rich? yeah i have like always wish i was rich... if i was rich, i can study anything i want but i m not so i have to study wat the government want me to study... i hate electronics... i was never a physics person maybe physcic but not physics... its soooo boring... i dun care how electrons move for all i care is the bloody light bulb works.... i dun care if there is any difference in the stoopid component!!! i DO NOT CARE!!! haizz but the lecturers dun think so .... i wanna be well off where i can get to do anything i want buy anything i want n study anything i want!!! and they say money can't buy u happiness sheesh.... ok peeps blog tml i m running out of topics...

12:11 PM

Saturday, September 23, 2006

" if u love somebody could u be this strong? i will fight to win, our love will conqer all, wouldn't risk my love even juz one nite, our love will be in my heart..." well that song make me all emo n stuff.. aniwae, between me n my guy, i guess its over... i dun blame him for everything.. i got to noe, he failed a few of his subject, and he juz dun think he is ready for a comitment rite now.. yeah it hurts to know about it, he juz wants time... it was heart wrenching... but at least he want to split at the beginning of the relationship... anyway, i was not deeply shocked tat he was going to leave me coz i noe that this day was bound to happen... he was juz to good to be true.. i guess i have to accept the fact tat i m ugly n no guys will ever like me... usually if they do, something bad happen...i guess fate has other plan for me... like 2D said " hamba akur dengan suratan, hamba akur dengan kehendak tuhan" for now, yeah i m like all sad n stuff but life have to go on... how can i noe when i m all wallowing in sadness, he doesn't even feel sad? i juz have to stop, think clearly and live my life like always... no worries gals i m still the same liyana zaaba... lame, bubby n abit siao chabo... haha... ok enuff sadness for today, i resit for my maths paper n heck it was hard.... i think positive thinking might juz help... i will pull true! i m confident!(uuuh not so) monday is my ckt paper.. n i haven't even open the book yet... haha i m soo dead! ok peeps i m gonna go bath coz i think i m starting to smell like rotten cheese or was it kambing... one way or another i still have to take my bath.... anyone care to join me? i scrub ur back, u scrub mine.... hahahaahaha... shaddap liyana ur lame

8:37 AM

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

hi peeps my new entry wohoo!!! after like ages writingblog in frenster, i decide to change to blogger now. ok so eveyone must be wondering bout me and my guy yeah i noe especially seri... hhehehe aniwae, things have been kinda shakey this few week well he kinda been avoiding me... is it me? well i don't know...... i mean no one knows about me... not a soul... he never told anyone... its understandabl coz he juz broke up with his girlfren 2 week before we were a couple... am i doing a mistake? i don't reali know... i ve been asking myself tat question ever since. but as days gone, my feeling have deepen so i reali don't wanna let go of this relationship without a fight... if i have to go down, i ll go down with no regrets. i m juz wondering if he is having second thought bout this relationship. but yeah i admit i love him... i don't know, but we juz have to see how it goes.. ok enuff emoing... guess what? my supplimentary paper is this fri! yeah unbelieveable rite i mean heck they give us 1 measly week to study.. haizz wat if i can't make it... well i have to think positive... i guess this week is wen everything goes down to me... whether i am able to think positive... and i m going to pull through... whether its my relationship or my studies.... i didn't go this far to quite.. i was born stubborn so i m gonna act like a stubborn brat... i will not stop until i reach my ultimate goal... sucess.... so even if it kills me, i ll go all out for it...

4:56 PM

Miss Vainity!