Friday, October 27, 2006
eloo peeps!! Slamat ari raya!! hehe sori lambat siket kan nak ucapkan selamat ari raya... maklomla bz gerl wat to do hehe... so anyway, my school starts tis week yeah .... guess wat! no eye candies... juz bunch of lame guys make lame jokes.. yeah total letdown.. anyway, i made 2 new frenz, Natasha and Helmy... helmy is like so pendiam... onli wif me but wif natasha, he willing to talk a whole lot... yeah most guys are friendly with natasha.. yeah she is pretty.... so yeah duuuh! any most of my class are with her so its like i m the damsel ugly sidekick... but she is okey... quite nice ah she spoke to me 1st.. it was the 1st lesson and she was like alone so she spoke to me yeah... hehe... so hmm went to my neneks place for hari raya... then
i stumble upon a was my father old photo...i had a good laugh... i mean heck wat's with the hippy headband and stuff.... sooooo lame..... like duh! yeah my dad was as thin as a stick.... haha look a little like a drug addict....ok so after that....
i took a whole load of pic from my mum hp hahahaha yeah then she oso sebok nak amek gambar her alone...i think my mum is suffering from midife crisis....
anyway, i wanna go skool... yeay its like so fun to be an ugly side kick yeah rite! she gets the attention and all i get is annoyance... can't help it if she is pretty... i wonder wat will happen if i like lost a whole load of weight? hmm my cousin who one look like me lost like tons of weight and she is like sooo pretty.. maybe i will look like her if i lose tons of weight... yeah i shuld lose weight... so yeay i m goin exercise... and count calories when i eat...yeah! heck i m gonna be the centre of attention n no longer the ugly sidekick... wish me luck aiteZ!
9:16 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Elo peeps.... ok so i m counting down to school reopen... yeah n hari raya oso... i right now i m in a dilemma...
i mean its the 1st day of school... i need to do up my hair, choose my wardrobe, decide on my makeup... sheesh to think tat school days are fun... after my trecherous day trying to look school-friendly, i get hit with another problem.
how the heck am i to do my hair for hari raya!!! ... so right now, i m in search of hair website to help me and nothing work... talk about panic! i mean heck i need to look good! i dun care... and i m still thinking of the makeup... should i go with dark and gothic or light and flirty..? maybe a red carpet hairstyle or juz a plain i-m-the-girl-next door-innocent hairstyle... and seriously i have the slightest idea.... i m worried.. haizz...
Heck doesn't mean that i look like my sister, i have to have a bad sense of fashion like her too... it juz seem soo ugh! it not like i m vain or anything, scientifically shown that those who are well dress in anything you do, well have a better self esteem or some other crap like tat.... heck i m a girl with a complection like a guava... so i need my dose of makeup and cheerups... so KILL ME!
i will not panic juz yet... i still have 1 day before school and 2 days before raya... i can do it!!! yeah!!!!
4:52 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
elo peeps.... ok so today is like bad day gone good... hehe it all stated with me spring cleaning my room and my dad made me clean up the whole entire place... sheesh.. talk about biaseness... most of my sister's stuff is thrown out.. yeah and becoz of her, i get scolding for nothing,.... stopid dumb bloooop..... i mean heck juz becoz he found a lighter, do i look like i noe anything? sheesh... i dun care if my sis is smoking or not? why interrogate me? and becoz of her and her precious trash piled on our wardrobe, i get scolding like crazy.. and can u imagine, i had to climb on the stoopid ladder and clean up her mess.... HER MESS!... well say la vie.... anyway, after the spring cleaning, my room was like clean... yey! no more stoopid stuff.... yey! and i dun have to see my sis for the next few freakin days... yey! am i hapy or wat... hehehe she thinks she can pile all her chores on me... THINK AGAIN!!! i won't be washing dishes anytime soon... hehehehe... so hmm back to the good news....
and the good news is....
school reopen on monday.... yey!!!!!!!!! u guys must think i m crazy for my excitedness to go to school but its not that... i have to resit for my maths again with the july intake... and u noe right most july intakes are guys who have completed their NS or have graduated from more eye candies for me... yey!!!! i m sooo happy.... but the sad part is, i have to be alone.... all alone.... i mean its not fair... ok so i have to gear up my frenliness... yeah i have to make more frenz... or else...
I HAVE TO EAT LUNCH ALONE!!!! nooooooooooooooooooooooo.........
ok peeps lemmie compose myself from the dreaded thought.... but heck.... eye candies.... yey!!!!
5:17 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
hello peeps.. yeah been browsing through everyone's blog... yeah n i read nabila's blog... not moved by it, but i was touched..... at least she remember us gerls from 4C... ok so now let me summarise 4C from my point of view...
I remember those times we had together from the tsunami donation drive to the part were the malay girls weren't exactly in par with nabila and ammar.. they were going out together... in 4C, we had a new addition... seri... yeah the fun times we had sitting together... i remember i used to sit in front of logan and behind logan is ammar and behind ammar is rahman... yeah n the next row my neighbour was amutha... i miss amutha she's a very spontaneous joker... she looks very quiet but when she joke, she can give me a heartattack from laughing... who can forget mr tan peng yeon sexy so then there was arif...or 4C physco barber... hmm i dun have much to say about arif... he is kinda lame n wierd hehe....
then there was yasmin n atiqah... yasmin always ask me for help in english n whenever i wanted to help, mr poh will scold me so the onli help i can give her is by asking her to read the passage... then there's atiqah can she draw or wat! i mean heck her drawing was like whoaa.... oh yeah during tat time, atiqah was going out with logan he was like a crazy dancer... had a crush on his bestfren.. lets not elaborate on that...
oh yeah how can i forget adam, the blur king of 4C never had a decent conversation with him though... but hey! he is still classmate... there is darrison.. he is juz a classmate tat i talk a lot to.. yeah he still owes me a birthday present.... oooh yeah amin! the future pilot... amin hmm wat can i say about amin... hmmm well he tend to brag a lot... wen ever he talk, all i can see are bubbles.... no one can take him seriously... i remember one time, he came late and mr tan our physcis teacher was suspicious in case he had smoke so he smelled amins hand in case there is cigarette smell and it turns out, amin had juz came out from the toilet... the reaction from mr tan was like so funny, i nearly fell from my seat laughing....
oh yeah then there is ammar... the science whiz... sometimes, whenever he pass extraodinarily in science, the onli reaction i can give is my rolling my eyes... mr tan's fav student...then there is nasirrudin.. i rarely talk to him... so yeah he is my classmate... n then there is rahman... the class clown.. sometimes his jokes aren't tat funny... but hey! he makes the class laugh most of the time....
oh yeah alan tse.. the rich malaysian... he is kinda wierd... but i love his trademark word... " serious?" hehehe cracks me up everytime... oh yeah then there is kai xian n jia jie.. there were inseparatable twins.. when ever there's kia xiang, there's jia jie.. or vice versa... occasional sighting of that crazy loon jennifer... or watever her name is... YEAH so did i miss anyone? i dun think so... oh yeah hwai boon... how can i forget the good looking chinese guy tat makes most gerl is 4C go salivating.. not me though...hehe ok so tats all ..... post in tml.. bye!
10:18 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Elo peeps... its been ages since i last wrote a post so its like yeah been kinda bz this past week... stayed up till 2 am making raya cookies... And my back is like sooo killing me... no sign of my ex online juz an annoying display massage... mebbe wat he need is my fist in his face... that might juz knock some sense in to him.... so anyway, countg down to raya.... 8 days to raya.... wohoo!!!
Yesterday was a day where my preserverence was tested... with the haze condition worsen and the glaring sun and the unberable heat wave, i was on the verge of insanity... my hand wanted to pick up the glass of water but my head said no..... but i manage to pull through though hehe lucky me! so now as i m sitting on this chair in front of the comp, i can hear thunder... please! let it rain! i can't bear this haze condition...
so anyway, something funny happen to me tis week... yeah... i was in my twilight zone(everyone told wen i get very blur like sotong i m entering my own demension call the twilight zone) i was walking down the stair to have my sahur.... as i walk down the stair in my sleepy state, i said to my self in my head " kalau aku jatuh kat tangga nie confirm sakit kan?" and true enuff,
" gedebuk "
i fell on my butt! yeah and it hurt.... so the moral of the story is : dun think stupid stuff when u are going down the stairs...
oh yeah i forgot to tell u, i bought shoes and a bag from charles and keith yeah chances of me falling on my bum in those shoes are high... ok peeps so i m gonna update u guys later aitez...
3:34 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
elo peeps! ok so PADAN NGN MUKER wan(sopi) pasal dier jatuh moto... tu la dolat pasal dier letak video me and my sis dancing in the car.... muahahaha~! ok so today, i m going to do another quiz thanks to seri for publishing it on frenster... ok here goes nothing
1. Would you marry for money?
no! of course not! duh!
2. Have you had braces?
no i wish i had
3. Could you live without a computer?
depends.. do i have cable tv then?
4. If you could live in any past time period, wherewould it be?
i wanna live in the early 80s where i can see how my parents were when they were teenagers
5. Do you drink enough water?
i think so....
6. Do you wear shoes in the house or take 'emoff?
take em off duh
7. What are your favorite fruits?
erm anything yellow except star fruit
8. What is your favorite place to visit?
the toilet...
9. Are you photogenic?
how i wish...
10. Do you dream in color or black and white?
usually colour.....
11. Why did you take this survey???
coz i want to.. y? got problem izit?
12. Do you drink alcohol?
where can! haram!
13. What is the most beautiful language?
14. Do you like being kissed when you areasleep?
wen i was little then i like lor....
15. WHAT do you like MOST: Sunrise or sunset?
sunset... coz usually when the sun is rising, i m still sleeping
16. Do you want to live until you're 100 yrs old?
no... coz the more longer i live, the more sin i ll do
17. Is a flat stomach important to you?
haha obviously not.... i m a pudgy person
19. When you watch movies at home, do you likethe lights switched on or off?
erm off... step kat wayang....
20. Do you believe in magic?
no i dun believe in selling my soul to the devil
22. Do you like to watch cartoons?
yeah... i m a cartoon freak
23. At what age did you find out that Santa Clauswasn't real?
never believe in santa clause at all
24. Do you write poems?
yeah when i am like totally depress
25. Do you snore?
yes... i admit!!
26. You sleep more on your back, front,or sides?
27. Would you rather have a poodle or arottweiler?
i m a cat person
28. Are you basically a happy person?
yeah and a little crazy
29. Are you tired?
nop juz a little numb at my butt
30. Did you drink anything with caffeine?
32. How many landline/cellphones do you have inyour house?
a few
33. Do you get along with your parents?
yeah... i do... sumtimes i don't
34. Do u smoke?
nop... never....
35. Do you have a kitty?
yeah 2 of em... both are very stoopid...
36. Have you ever had a birthday party?
yep wen i was younger
37. What do you do when you're sad?
cry... sleep... go toilet and kenching.. i always need to go urine after crying i duno y
38. What do you need most now?
someone to massage my pantat... cramp sak
39. What song are you listening to now?
lionel ritchie- hello...
40.what are you craving right now?
honey red tea.....
2:50 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
hello grannies came over to my place on the weekend and i been thinking alot lately... remember my granny that i dun quite like.. well mebbe i was wrong bout her... hiazz she is still my granny... i guess i messed up badly... it juz occure to me that maybe my granny was juz misunderstood after hearing the Christina Aguilera-Hurt. i mean everyone makes mistakes right? well whats done can't be undone. bulan baik so its best that we be forgiving...
Since poly, all my frenz are chinese only few are malay. everysince i been in poly, i been close with this girl call radiah, i ll juz call her rad for now.. anyway, she been kinda distant lately... yeah ever since she had a new guy... she don't tag me anymore... i guess she is juz busy... its okey... well since i did fail my maths even after spending long hours on it, i think i should widen my circle of friends i mean at least i dun feel so hurt when a friend go distant. i mean i always feel hurt when someone goes distant... its like playing the sims...
ok enuff of the sad stuff to aini, its not that i dun want to go this wed but i am tight on budget... like i said if monday then i m able to go... i m not making u guys go on a guilt trip but i m seriously tight on cash... if u have a grandmother like mine then u would know what i mean... so ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT I M SHORT OF CASH!.... sekian terima kasih
11:53 AM
Monday, October 09, 2006
elo peeps.. sheesh my sis invited her fren to view my blog.... so aniway, we went to buy my raya stuff juz now.. ok so i was like going through the clothes rack and i saw this very gothic looking top and i was like whooaaa... so i tried it on and it fit(alittle pudgy on the tummy but i can work on that) then after searching for my clothes, me and my mum had to look for my sis clothes... she was like so picky i was like getting bored already so after throwing a few stuff for my sis to try, i went to the shoe isle and look at the shoes. Nothing grabbed my attention though.. so after my sis got what she was looking for, my mum wanted to find something for herself .. yeah it was like a loong time of searching.. aniwae, me n my sis went to the belt isle and saw this big belt and it look like my ex heavy weight champion WWE belt.. yeah kinda freaky but it was unique in it's own way. So aniwae, i was getting tired after looking at the belt my sis wanted to look at the bags.. yeah it was like a good 5 min walk around the bag display.. and she was all " that is so cute", "cute giler kan", " awww tat is sooo cute" and yada yada yada... so after the torturous 5 min at the bag display, we shifted our attention to the undergarment isle
yeah bras and undies of diff colour, size and texture... so aniwae, skip that part... after paying for the stuff, i dragged my mum to "THE BODY SHOP" . It was like heavenly, so i bought a bottle of white musk perfume oil and it was like soo nice... i m sooo gonna pesonalise it so from now on, my perfume will be called "musky"... ok enuff of the shopping stuff back to the other important matter...
i juz had a chat with my ex juz now..coz i went online my MSN n i was preoccupied... so he msg me
him: y didn't u msg me?
(didn't tell him i was preoccupied though)
me: y? miss me izzit?
him: smilling emoticon
hehe yay! he still miss me! anyway, too keep my excitement level unobvious i change the topic.. hehe i think u guys probably get sick of me talking about my ex... hehe at least i its not so lovey dovey like nabila's one okey... sheesh! ok peeps... to wan (sopie) and kak nad(my sis fren) tabby meow meow is cute okey and i like cats! DEAL WITH IT SHEESH! sekian terima kasih....
1:03 AM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Elo peeps today, we are going to talk about the top ten stuff i did since i became a teenager....
TOP 10 " What the heck was I thinking?"
Going on stage and doing the uncomplete and uncreative cheer routine with my 1A classmates.
Joining malay dance
Went to school cheerleading compertition and shaking my booty infront of the whole school to see with 2A
Helping Masturah Nordin when she wanted to test Wan Sono by pretending to be a seductive bimbo over the phone and got caught in the end. (that was embarrassing)
Went on stage and waddle like a duck for the lower secondary coral reading comptetition and won. (the horror!)
Played truth or dare in class of 3C and was dared to pole dance.(i was stoopid)
Went on stage and did the swing dance and got kicked in the butt(embarrassing)
Went on stage and did the malay dance routine and argue with Munirah on stage while messing up the whole routine.
Went to the anti-drug cheerleading compertition and look like a total china doll(thanks cat!)
Got caught skipping PE with the gals...
1:04 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006
elo peeps.... i can fast aready!! wohoo... oh so i have this teeny tiny problem... so as u know, i juz broke up... anyway, ever since we broke up, we are still friends... i mean yeah we broke up not because of 3rd party or sumthing... it was because he failed badly for his exam.... AND I DIDN'T CAUSE IT.... he failed before he even met me... anyway, i m kinda trying to forget him but it seems like he won't let me.. coz he keep giving me mix signals... i mean yeah as an ex u can msg and talk but when u sound so sweet, its hard to forget. does he still like me? he bought this WWE championship belt(dun ask me why) and been taking pics of him and the belt... its like giving a ball of yarn to a cat... and he edited his pic with batista and all the other wrestler and its like so cute... gosh and i still like him.... a whole lot... its like he is silently flirting with me... heck.... i m confused...haizzz
10:58 AM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
hi peeps..... so i been like browsing through my friendster and i came upon atiqah's profile.....yeah its been like ages since i tok to tat gerl... where the heck is she?... though the same skool, we hardly talk to one another... yeah the irony... kinda feel sad.... i mean heck we hardly talk anymore.. it feel as though we have drifted apart.... i hate those kinda feeling... i had those when i was in sec1 after i was seperated from sarah... well sarah was diff... i mean me and atiqah been together for like 4 freaking years together though i reali hated her in sec 1...(lets not talk about tat) but yeah hates blossom into friendship.. yeah we had our ups and downs... i mean its not like we are best friends or anything, but yeah we were close.... i mean wen we juz started school in tp, it was okey but now, i dun even talk to her... its kinda sad... i mean wen i saw her profile, i was like sad and if i were to remember the fun times we had together, i can juz cry... but i won't....i mean i still talk to aini n nadiah, well me,farah and helviana were not tat close so it doesn't feel so bad... but aitqah, its been like ages... even if we are online, we dun talk to one another.... its like we dun even remember one another... i mean i want to talk to her but wat? i dun even know about her.... i dun know how she is, how was her school and how her life... i mean by the time we mit again, it probably be raya n things will probably be awakward.... its like the sims... when one sim don't talk to his/her friend, they no longer be friends... and after a while, they probably won't remember each other.... mebbe it was meant to be... mebbe my friendship with atqah was meant to fizzle after years together... mebbe the fact tat we were close once was because tat the environment made us tat way.. i mean think about it... we were separated from one another and me and atiqah end up in the same class... when dnt and home econ, only me and atiqah were placed together whereas aini,farah, helviana n nadiah went together...then when we had to line up, i had to sit with atiqah.... so is it true? my friendship with atiqah was juz a pure coincidence? well if the friendship is to fizzle... i reali cherish the time together..... thanks....
8:26 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
hello dudette, i wanted to do the quiz nadiah had tagged me with but i can't seem to cut and paste e question what the heck? u dun expect me to write 60 question rite? so nadiah as'ari, please email me e question.... haizz so rite peeps i dunno what to write seriously... its like i think i wrote to much tat i dunno what to write.....
10:21 AM
Monday, October 02, 2006
elo peeps hehehee its me and now i have a partner in crime! insan bernama seri yeah after weeks of search, she finally found me yeay! hehe ok so seri for you infomation, we have another singer joing our concert... non other then Woodlands secondary mariah curry, YASMIN IDHAM!!! WOHOO!!! ok so we oreadi plan, adam will be our cheoreographer n backup dancer, mr tan eng hui will be our backup singer, miss loo our makeup artist and i was thinking of making mr tan peng yeon our bodyguard mebbe mr thiruman... i think thiru make a better bodyguard coz he can run very fast so in case any one give us problem, he can call his secret society clan to help... so for our costume kan, seri will be wearing ur nurse uniform, yasmin will be wearing a blonde wig ala ala mariah curry gitu and i will be bringing my yellow kaler tool box on stage.....after all the preparation da siap, we will be ready to rock WOODBRIDGE!!! RE U READY TO ROCK LIKE CRAZY?!!!! HELL YEAH! sekian terima kasih......
2:53 PM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Ok peeps i m not able to fast this week. Since Aini want me to write properly, I will write properly only for this post. Guess what, i get another scald scar. now its on my hand. Haizz... what am i to do? My sister obviously blind cause i was standing beside her and she put the steel pot cover on my arm. I miss my friends... I mean Woolands Secondary friends of course... Sometime, I feel like the time fly too fast for me. It feel as though yesterday Isat down with Aini,Farah,Nadiah,Atiqah,Helviana and Regina and talking about our future. Whenever I hear the Vitamine C "Graduation day" I feel so sad cause we were like that once. Clueless and Niave teenagers. Now 4 years have gone by and we are paving our future... Maybe soon we will lost contact. Unaware time, 10 years gone and we probably meet at the supermarket with children and husband and stuff... haizzz.... Ok enough of the mushy stuff, I m going to answer the following question.
1. Single, taken or crushing?
single and not available
2. Are you happy with your life right now?
well let me see... i m taking a course which i have no interest in, a guy juz dump me and i think i m going to fail my 1st year so yeah i m soooooo happy.*snicker*
3. When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him fast?
No, what if i love him and he don't love me... very paiseh
4. You had your heart broken?
yeah so often that it becomes numb
5. Do you believe there are some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?
yeah... that is if ur partner is cheating also hahahaha
6. Would you take someone back if he/she cheats on you?
no. i m not that stoopid...
7. Have you talked about marriage with another person before?
8. Do you want children?
i guess so
10. Would you consider adoption?
yeah of course...if my eggs are rotten to the state that i m not able to have children
11. If someone likes you right now, what do you think is the best way to let you know his/her
Be open n tell me straight to my face and close his eyes after that coz by then, i would probably be running aways screaming..... i hate awkward situation with boys
12. How do you enjoy getting in a relationship?
well depends on what kinda relationship it is.....
13. be honest, what is the furthest you and your ex did?
well curoisity killed the cat and it may kill the person who ask me this
14. Do you believe in love at first sight?
no thats like so corny
15. Are you romantic?
uuuuuh dunno ask my ex
16. Do you believe you can change someone?
maybe... unless the person is an egocentric bastard/bitch in that case..... no
17. If you could marry somewhere, where would it be?
at a mosque
18. Do you easily give in when you're fighting?
yeah unless i have a very strong point
19. Do you have felings for someone right now?
does it matter?.... tat son of a gun left me...
20. Have you ever wished you could have/had someone but you messed it up?
no i nver messed up, they do
21. If one day your best friend fell in love with the boy/girl you're deeply in love with, what
would you do?
give in and bring my broken heart somewhere far.....
22. Are you missing someone right now?
yeah....i miss my cat, stokin, where the heck is he?
ok before i go, i m gonna show u my 2nd scar.....

2:48 PM