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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

eloo peeps, ok la so its been like ages since i wrote in and all u people been like been pestering me for my update so fine NAH AMEK KORANG! so anyway, i ve a confession to make.... i m actually rite attached.... move along.... next topic

so anyway, u guys probably wanna get updates about khalil, i think he found out that i hate him... bagos la... i can't stand him anyway... he still pester me if i have food or drinks in my hand... wat the heck... i have to keep my food in a safe place in case he saw my food mesti mintak siket maaaak! kau! sebok sak!... at least less annoying.... i dun have to tahan him any more...

so yeah last weekend i went up to kl to my niece wedding(i call her kak coz she is older then me) so anyway, i help my cousin(aunty coz she is way older then me) buat berkat... 1000 pieces of them... yep juz reach kl and was driven to her place to make the stoopid berkat... went to my uncle place back in subang at 3 am and had to wake up at 9 to help out with the rehersal. so yeah i onli slept for like 6 freaking hours..! then me and my sis stayed there and help out with the decoration at that super big hall... yeah and all we get after the whole ceremony was a great big thank you from my aunt... i was hoping for like $ but yeah FAT HOPE.... nanti kalau aku kawen siap ah aku pakse niece and nephew aku buat 2000 berkat NAH! HAMEK KAU! hehehehe nanti i ll post the pic later aitez bye!

3:44 PM

Friday, November 17, 2006

elo peeps.... so yeah its been like a couple of days(i think) since i last wrote in so what been happening.... guess wat, remember the the 3 hrs lesson i m suppose to have with that monkey, he was 2 hrs late so yeah i was like soo hapi and its like 1 hour torment onli... i dun mind... at least i get 2 hours of peace... his reason for being late is tat he had a stomache and fall asleep on the toilet bowl....hmmm... 2 hrs sleeping on the toilet bowl...what exactly did he eat? he said he dun remember coz he ate alot tat day....go figures... hehe but the good thing with him around, my blog will forever be full of topic to talk about ... so lets summarise about khalil...

he bites
he sleeps in the toilet for 2 hours
he sniff those muscles numbness spray by spraying it on someone else hand when he can spray it on his hand(suppose to make him high or sumthing like tat.. tats wat he said)
he is selekeh
enjoy poking people
natasha want to spray him with aerosol
i want to smack him with the fly swatter

so anyway, natasha and me made up this story... what if kalil was a girl? and was in labour?

he would probably passed out after 2 hours of labour pushing the baby out.. when he gets a contraction, he bites the doctors hand. if he had to go for cesarian, he would have to inhale those muscle numbness spray which was sprayed on the doctors hand constantly(the solvent evaporate very fast so yeah they have to keep spraying it) if it still doesn't work, they probably have to spray him with a can of aerosol or swat him with the fly swatter until he fall unconcious..

as lame as it is, it was reali funy....

so anyway, nazrin(the ex) msn me... and yeay! he missed me... haiz i miss him to but heck i ll try to move on... if i can't then i juz have to accept the fact tat there is no jodoh between me and him... ok so i dun wanna tok much bout the sad stuff i mean heck no sadness please! i m done being sad.. i wanna be happy! so guess wat... i saw taufiq batisah at beach road yesterday.. and i was like whoaa..... for the 1st time in my life, i get to see him as a normal person... no fanatic(or fiqnatic) fans drooling over him it was juz him with his mum and brother... so yeah u get my vote of almost normal celebrity...

anyway, i have read this book call To Kill A Mocking Bird... and i was like whoaaa (i been using this word too many time dudette) it was soo uplifting.. i mean heck we have to tolerate other people from different skin colour and keep our head high though people insult us. and stand up for wat we believe in... so yeah hmm read tat book people!! COZ I FELL IN LOVE WITH THAT BOOK!

so tats all for today people aitez msg soon bye

8:46 AM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

elo peeps! ok so u guys must be worried sick in case tat stoopid khalil is disturbing me and yeah FYI, he did.. HE BITE ME! TWICE!!! shockin right! i think he is some special theraphy.. u noe those theraphy where they teach all those special children how to be independant and behave themselves... yeah he seriously need that.... maybe a physciatrist also... maybe he need to be admitted to a mental institution... i mean eeew! he bite me! i had to scrub my hand hard to make sure his saliva is completely washed off my hands... maybe i should consult a doctor in case he have rabies or sumthing... one wierd sicko.... maybe i should confront him... he juz turn everyone off(of couse i dun want him to turn anyone on... ugh! u noe wat i mean) so anyway he seriously have no table manners and is like soooooo pissing me off... but i m reali patient(i shuld get credit for that!).. so yeah enuff bout that MF.....

so hmm met atiqah today, i was late for school and then eeeeh! atiqah! yeah missed her lots so get to see today was like yeay! so i went to school with her today and we like talked a lot on our way to school and stuff.. so yeah! while talking to atiqah, my fone rang! it was natasha! she asked me where i was...(me and her cabot maths today hehehee) i told her i was in the bus and she asked me to reach the school soon.. i said yeah i m on my way......and she asked me to change bus and take another faster bus.... i was like huh? i m on the expressway, u want me get off on the expressway?... ehehhehe funny....so anyway, after i reached school, i met up with natasha and atiqah n we went for lunch together, and i complained about khalil... then sure enuff he appeared sheesh! and atiqah saw my source of torment... most of my frenz actually feel sorry for me.. yeah i m sorry for myself too, to mit such cockup idiot!

oh yeah sabrina n siti hawa was there so they joined us for lunch, too bad atiqah had to leave, so anyway, i told hawa about it and she was symphethic for me... after talking a while, he came to our table and tried to sit beside me heheh thank god sabrina's bag and my bag took up the seat so yeah! he can't sit beside me... and like always, hawa came up with the same conclusion like what aini and yasmin came up with so i was like eeeew! at least sabrina pandai melayan dier heheh i mean heck she is like a sisterly figure so she can actually control that idiot as for us, we can't coz he is juz plain IRRITATING! at least he didn't sit beside me today so yeay! heheh i m sooo happy 1 day of happyness but i m sure the happiness is short lived coz tml i have a class with him..... 3 LONG FREAKING HOURS.......*groan*

P/S: i hate his stoopid dance! he dance like a happy kingkong thumping his feet and trying to squeeze 2 watermelon at his armpit! how i wish i can slap that girn off his face!

msg u some other day bye!

3:12 PM

Friday, November 10, 2006

elo peeps

so yeah i was like running around school the past few days haizz i have a presentation on IKEBANA and the deadline is like 2 weeks time and i have nothing... they dun allow power point so basically, i m like totally dead haizz unless someone is willing to help me of course... i need webcam and stuff haizzz i m like a fish outta water... so like haizz i oso dunno la.. so anyway,

khalil is seriously getting on my nerve... i noe i shouldn't be so judgemental juz becoz he act like an ass and i onli know him.. so anyway, yest rite i was like doing my digital fundamental stuff (i swear that place is even colder then a morgue) so i had this prob so i ask him after he explain, i understand already and so i told him i get it oreadi but he juz won't stop explaining so anyway, i tried to take my mechanical from him but he won't give me so anyway to keep it short, i lost grip of the pensil n he pulled to hard, in the end, the pensil poked natasha on her mouth and she bled.. i was never so cuak in my whole entire life...so anyway, tat was the 1st bad impression of him

2ndly, he juz enjoy tormenting me by sitting beside me and making me listen to him when i m trying to doodle on my book or trying to do my werk... haizz i dunno why he like to grab my hand and try chew on it and keep poking me (dier ingat tak sakit )... did i tell u his grip is like strong giler... as much as i hate his attitude, i have to accept all my frenz as it is... if i m choosy, i ll be like alone...so yeah i ll try to get along with him even though it excruciating....

i think natasha have actually got infected with my nonsense.. we juz like to make fun of our dFUND lecturer... i think he is from india.. so when he talk rite, its like funny for example he says Q(A) as Q(YEAY) ... so everytime natasha make fun of him, i ll ask her to kiss his feet next deepavali.... heheh kononnyer macam ari raya mintak maaf gitu... yeah we are 2 crazy duo.... so msg u tml aitezzz.......

8:41 PM

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Elo peeps I M BACK!!! so yeah where the heck have i been this past few weeks well... buzy with school as always.. ok wait lemmie un bold myself 1st

ok done!

so rite hmm school have been hectic as ever, i have added more friends in my circle yeay! so there is Sabrina, Hawa and Khalil

lemmie summarise them for u... ehem ehem here it goes


she is 21 from ite tamp and she is like sooo nice (way nicer than that so-call-older sister of mine!) she is very funny at times and its nice to have a conversation without people looking at me and start questioning my age(heck i like to talk current affair!)


i think she is my age.. i dun talk to her much but she is nice.. very quiet sorta person.. she reminds me of amutha.... very quiet and nice... hehe... need to hang out with her often.... so i can type more about her...


Khalil? where do i even begin... we started to speak to each other during my 1st lesson of PCBDES(dun ask wat the heck is tat class coz i have no idea oso) so he is like soooo merepek and a whole load of nonsense! but he is friendly sumhow, sumtimes, the urge to slap him is sooo strong hehee hanya tuhan saja yg tahu how hard is it for me not to inflict pain to him... yeah he is tat annoying but he is nice... but mostly annoying...

ok hehe i will keep u updated on all the frenz i make ok! sorry for the general summary, i juz need to hang out with them more often... hehe....

so anyway, guess wat, i fell! yeah at cozway point in heels...... yeah funny.... ok this is wat happen

once upon a time, i was walking to cozway in the early morning i think around 7 it was a friday i remember tat day well.... i was wearing baju kurung coz later tat day, i was going to mit my mum to go raya at her frenz place so anyway i was walking in my charles and keith shoes. which i regreted becoz it like tinggi...and like always, i will tend to daydream and juz plan my day as i walked to cozway to have breakfast with my sister.. and suddenly,


i fell... and i actually tripped on a teeny tiny little hole on the pavement... so i scratched my right knee and got a little humiliated on my clumsiness.. i can't help it i notice i m getting more and more clumsy as i grow up haizz....i m so used to falling down that the feeling of embarrassement juz fade slowly away from me ...

another thing, i juz feel sad coz they( YOU SHOULD KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!) are too busy to go jalan raya with me selalu bz asek2 bz haizz at this rate, chances of us to lose contact is like anytime soon... sad as it is, i have to accept the fact tat they are moving on in their life.. if they shuld ever wanna jalan raya with me, they can do so on sunday 14/9/2006. if not then i ll accept it as it is...

thats all for today folks! bye

8:51 AM

Miss Vainity!