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Sunday, December 31, 2006

elo peeps... so yeah i m really happy coz its raya and my mum made sambal goreng pengantin... wooot! wooot! if ur great grandmother was from bussirah street then u would noe wat i mean...so went to see granny at hospital... finally she was discharged from the hospital....anyways, wen got to my granny's ward, 3/5 of the family was there... so my oldest uncle, pak wa, bawak small nadiah along hehe... i had fun disturbing her... i took her from my uncle and carried her(she doesn't like people touching her or else she will cry) when she started crying, i cover her mouth tat made her cry even harder muahahahaha.... be thankful u dun have an older cousin like me...

so after tat, went to visit my old neighbour at semei... the pasta soup was nice but the kari was disgusting... it tasted like... disgusting...after the meal, we went off and went to east mall... yeay! i got the sandals that i wanted... para pa pa pa... i m lovin it!.....i got my perfect pair of sandals after the 3rd sandals tried but my sister took longer.. sooo totally picky...to ugly, not her taste, wedges shoes onli, no strap...ect...ect..ect... even for me, i look at something tat i like and it suits my feet then i m taking it... after the almost 1 hour struggle to find cruella de kakak shoes, we went to banquet where ayah n wan was waiting...(wan as in my bro not my bf) we ate and went home.... had a bad muscle cramp at my thigh haizz its okey now.. wan took a vid of me sleeping... NGOROK KAU! ugly as hell! my mouth was open and my saliva was like at the edge of my mouth... eeew!

... hmm anyways, my guy decided to go to skool...a guy so fickle *shakes head*... 1st taknak skarang nak... ngada2 tol la... but i guess he finally decides to worry bout the future...so yeah he n my sis is going to the same skool....fine with tat... i gotta go now.. running out of idea to blog... see ya! yana out!

11:29 PM

Friday, December 29, 2006

elo peeps... so now i feel so crappy.. i juz found out tat he doesn't want to go to school... its seems tat he sumhow indirectly saying tat i m forcing him to study.. well i m not going to... if he want to waste his life away by pushing the dead or living sick people in the hospital then by all means go ahead...is it wrong to want something better out of sumone.. heck it bothers me like hell.. i mean yeah i shouldn't be so petty but how i wish i can show him how pathetic life is without prior education... i m really trying hard to talk to him like it doesn't bother me but its hard... i can't do it... it will surely backfire one day.. sumtimes i think i m better at advicing people about their relationship but mine is a wreck... wanna noe wat my dream guy is, he must be at least able to think ahead, ambitious and able to think maturely... but wat i get is the opposite... i dunno whether tis is juz puppy love but if it isn't, my life is going to go down the freaking drain... its not tat i dun love him, do but i juz have a problem with his mentality to him, he will settle for mediocre.... but i won't i wanna go all the way to the top.. i wanna push my boundries i wanna go furthur and push myself to my own limit... haizz whoever said opposites attract is one stoopid fella...

so anyways, went to see granny at the hospital... admitted for the same reason... there are like rocks in her gallbladder... (watever have she been eating) she doesn't want to be operated.... so fine with tat....after seeing granny, went to east point to find a comp to check my guys application result which he doesn't want.. so then i went to peddal works and i love the sandles
haizz must save up $40 to buy tat sandel... nvm.. so niways after my mum pick me up at jurong point.. yep i went from one end of singapore to another..., we had to pick up my other granny at boonlay before e head home... at home, i was walking into the kitchen wen i saw this black thing.... i went closer and saw a........


so it was like sooo disgustion and tat was my 1st reaction... at least the stoopid rat was in the rat trap hehehe..... so now, we gonna let it starve itself to death before throwing it out....cruel as it is, its juz damn disgusting.... oh yeah crap! msg u guys soon i wanna go find kitty.... he hadn't had a bath for like ages... see ya

12:45 PM

Thursday, December 28, 2006

so like yeah i didn't post in the past few days.. was in KL yup went to sunway lagoon, shop at masjid india.. bought a wallet for my guy.. kinda belated b'day present.. so i was late 10 days.. big deal! he didn't mind... niway, had fun at sunway lagoon... bought the all park ticket...so the 1st thing me n my sis took was the viking... i tot it was a harmless viking... i was wrong.. so upon sitting on the viking, we strapped ourself to the chair however, sumthing was wrong wen i saw the leg strap thingy... niways, the leg strap and the body strap was in place and the viking started to swing... its was fun at 1t but then, the viking swing higher and higher.. and without warning, it made a 90 degree turn... which means, i was dangling in mid air with clinging on the strap hoping tat it won't break apart... though it was fun, wat made it funny was my sister covering her eyes and screaming like she was giving birth.. its like those video u watch on american funniest home video...i was torn between laughing or screaming my lungs out... in the end i did both at the same time.. gosh if anyone was there to video thee moment then it would be sooo interesting... i mean heck i was on the verge of laughing till tears well up my eyes... it was tat funny... seriously dudette.. i will cherish tat moment forever...

i went to sg juz now... planning to do my project wen my group member bubbled me.. well no biggie as long as they have the draft ready for submission, i ain't complaining... so met up with my guy....i swear he was grinning so hard tat it looks as if it was going to stick tat way forever... never have i seen anyone soo happy to see me.. muahaha! good news people... my guy got into ITE.. yeay! at least he wants to continue studying... i m happy! bad new... no one gonna send me to school everyday... he will go to one end of singapore, i will go to the other... we promise each other tat we will meet after school... i dunno how well tats gonna turn out... haizz.. i m happy and yet sadden and yet feel a bit better...

niways, when u guys wanna go outing with no money needed to forked out, then msg or msn me aitez....

10:55 PM

Friday, December 22, 2006

elo peeps... half bored half agitated... rain never stop pouring. i hate it when tis happen.... i gotta break free! i got to get a life... sumhow i can't make it to the door... feel so hopeless... haizzz... have to meet guy but dun feel like going out.. he can wait... i think....

1:45 PM

Thursday, December 21, 2006

elo peeps... tat is if there is peeps reading my entry any more... i finally saw the light at the end of the endless rain.. and however, my happiness wat short lived... "ADEK! JEMUR BAJU PANAS2 GINI NANTI BAJU CEPAT KERING" yeap before i could even enjoy the sun, i had to hang those damned clothes...thanks to daddy dearest for shattering my melodramatic moment alone.. haizz.... i swear my dad is turning into a grumpy old man... nagging consistantly, bossing people around... it would get out of control if he start saying " back in my days the kids are lazy"...

so anyways, i m starting to miz skool and my frenZ... oh yeah i miss erm my guy.... tat stoopid monkey didn't even bother to reply my msg... who does he think he is? the minister? sheesh... fine lets have it his was... i m going to ignore him(one day i will) i m going to pretend that i do not have a boyfren( yeah rite liyana) and then i ll go out with other guys ( shaddap! like as if!)

i juz figure out, i dun have a freaking life... my life is controlled by my parents.. haizz i hate to figure this out but reality check, its true.. as i sit in front of this comp and think of all my frenz that actually asked me out and i make tons of excuses not to go is becoz i been brainwashed by my parents...i guess i m still the same lone ranger liyana from secondary school... i m gonna chage things by going out more... tat is when i feel like it... can someone gimmie a motivational boost to lift me out from my chair and drag me out from my house and go somewhere... anyone?

ok i ll go try to move my butt from my chair blog u guys soon....

12:47 PM

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

elo peeps! its been raining like no one's business the last couple of days... haizz so i obviously have to spend my holiday at home... stoopid rain... anyways, i m kinda rotting at home doing nothing.. thought of werking but heck 2 weeks onli... so better work during my 2 months holiday.. hehe by then, i ll 18 woots! i can work at cheers,7/11, giant, carrefour, cold storage... and the list goes on... it seems like time reali goes by fast.. i mean it felt like yesterday, i was 13 and juz graduate primary school... as i get older, i kinda forget my primary school memory... haizz i have one heck of a short attention spam...
oh yeah my sis pass her driving test... so its my turn next.. crap! i wanna procrastinate but heck i can't haizz... i dun wanna grow up to soon.. but crest la vie.. haizzz... so tis week sucks... i can't go out, its cold 24-7 and i had to play tug of war with my brother over the comforter... juz becoz he is younnger and he thinks he can have it his way... ITS EITHER MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY BEBEH! i won of course.. like as if i care if he shrivel up in the cold... as least he won't look so rotound....(he goes around saying people fat... haizz he have some delusion issues)
khalil been bugging me bout the assignment... i lost it u crappy shithead! now leave me alone.. go get the stoopid assignment from the teacher... at least he dun have my num or msn add hehehe he won't be able to bother me.. in order to get to me, he have to pass the msg to his bestest of best fren, natasha, which later she will have to ask me hehehe.... oh yeah did i tell u , he bit sabrina muahahaha.....so all of us have been bitten... if any of us show signs of rabies, it mean we all will go down... muahaha like they say " one for all and all for one!" i guess the 3 of us are like the 3 musqeteers...tats all for today peeps! bye yana outz!

P/S: we will have our girls day out Radiyah, one day! sumday, dun ask me when aitez darlinzzzz!

12:47 PM

Friday, December 15, 2006

elo peeps...

so yesterday was my 1st update in like ages... anyway, today was the start of ma school holiday wooot! wooot! wooooot! 2 week of sleep deprivation, wardrobe malfunction, overconsumption of food and zen meditiation on the royal throne...in simple english.... sleep late, wear selekeh, makan sampai terbalik pusat n berak lame2.. ok the last one is reali gross... but who care? for all u guys noe, i could be picking my nose and wiping it all over the screen...(i swear to god i did not do that)..... anyway, my happiness was short lived.. haizz tml got kenduri at my house so my two "fav" granny is here.... and i have to sit home and get nagged.... well wat to do....anyways, today was kinda boring... my internet was giving me problem so haizz i could onli go online now... see the time! and wen i websms HIM, he said " i da nak tido besok keje pagi" wat the heck sak! i sat in front of the comp and tat is all he can say...fine la! 2 can play tat game so i said " izzit okla bye!" HAMEK KAU! like i care muahaha(i do actually, tml i will msg him again) i m so fickle.... so anyways, tml kenduri is for my bro who juz got circumsized it was reali funny hehe he wanted to be unconcious when the doc did it and he ask whether the doc was able to hit him on the head and render him unconcious before they cut it of( the head hitting idea was mine!) hehe funny like heck.... and the kenduri is oso for my sis IF only if she passed her driving test for the 2nd time....kenduri doa selamat ah tu.... my mum siap sembayang hajat... muahaha... i would too i mean heck the exam and practical is so expensive...

for the past few weeks, i have been crazy bout this guys, Russell Peters... he is soooo funny...(btw, he is a comedian) i love his jokes and all my gal frenz at poly are crazy bout him too... yeah he can make racist jokes and its like so funny (he is indian by the way) go watch is vid at youtube or google video aitez buhbye! msg u soon! yana outz!

11:54 PM

Thursday, December 14, 2006

elo peeps!

its been like ages since i last wrote in hehehe i was busy with school u noe exam period n stuff.... so yeah i guess now me, tasha n sabrina have been closer... now we have a new member in our tiny little circle... lets welcome Faz(round of applaus) woot! woots!... yeah he has been joining us for lunch n studying with us the last couple of weeks... k la i giveu a brief summary about Faz

his real name is fazli but he prefer to be called as faz. he is 20 and have his own bike... mostly lame at timez and he can be a little deaf. he is those guys who listen to jiwang malay song lolz oh yeah he is a design biker... dun noe and dun care anyway... so yeah he is nice and he have a fetish for girls in tudung... hehe he says atiqah is cute( i put all my neoprint on my calculator).. he likes to look at other girls though he is attached... oh yeah i hate his adek angkat fasha... tats all bout him i guess....

anywayz, my guy got me a new hp coz he thinks my hp sucks and best left in the mortuary... atiqah, helviana n nadiah have seen him before... ok so lemmie summarize bout him....

My Guy aka Ridhwan

he is 21( today is his birthday!) he stays in woodlands blk 23... works at Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
Works as a hospital assistant... all he does is push people around (serious la siak! he push people in wheelchair n those metal slabs whether they are dead or live). he comes from a broken family and his bestfren khairin talks a lot.(seriously alot! maybe there is a pause button somewhere located on his body).. he is not tat good looking but he is nice, very sweet n seriously romantic to a fault...(i find him clingy at times)... he is the onli child n have a very annoying mood swing... as if i care... i can be ego if i want to! his temper is no match compared to my bitchy ego... oh yeah he has some serious trust issue... he thinks guys find me attractive and will one day steal me away...
*crikek!* *crikek!*

LAME SAK! MY BUTT LOOK MORE BEAUTIFUL THEN MY FACE! who in the right mind will ask me for my number?! sumtimes i want to slap some sense into him but i prefer not to....

ok la i ll blog u guys tml my legs getting numb....yana outz!

8:50 PM

Miss Vainity!