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Monday, January 22, 2007

elo peeps... so anyways, my relationship is going through this rough patch... yeah and to be honest, i m getting irritated and tired of him... no to be a bitch about it.. but lately, i guess i ve been seeing his true colours.. and frankly speaking, i dun like it very much....i mean as days gone by, i m getting disgusted by it... u guys might be thinking wat the heck could he do tat turn me off so much... well i can explain it... it has to been seen to be believed... so anyways, to clear the air with natasha... she told me to write tat she has also no longer crushing... haizzz i guess we are on the same boat.. mine was a week hers was like 3 weeks... haizz.. so anyways, it seems tat i m getting closer to sabrina.. well i guess we juz share the same interest... talk bout coincidence, we both forgot our pencil box... anyways, i have a japanese test tis wed and i can't seem to juz get those japanese words in my head... damn u evil japanese-word-inventer! watever tat means... i think radiyah is piss off at me coz i dun spend time wif her... wat can i do there is soo many things to do but there is onli one of me... how i wish i can juz clone myself so tat i can be at soo many places at one time haizzz... assignments, test, quiz.... i m sick of it!!!!!

1:29 PM

Thursday, January 18, 2007

elo peeps... so its been like ages since i last wrote in.. in case any one of u have notice it... so niways, lemmie summarise wat have been going on with my life the past few century
  1. had a big fight with him juz now (major fight) on the verge of a breakup.. i have no idea if it could be saved juz yet
  2. had a 1 week crush on one of my lecture mates... the cursh ended on tuesday...
  3. tasha is going loony over a guy(have to pull her back to ground)
  4. totally passed my japanese test(para pa pa pa i m lovin in)
  5. major japanese test next week
  6. got some latest scoop on benazir.. alah dektu benazir buto adapavi....
  7. oh yeah i went to see dancefloor... a one hour show but the broadcast was like 3 hours.. dammit!
  8. khalil have bug me lesser now (yeah i m lovin it!)... he is a bug anyway
  9. made 3 new aquaintances name azmil,ahmad and hady... (i m in engineering so i m bound to make guys frenz duh~)
  10. watched princess hours for like hours juz to be frustrated coz the ending sucks... damn u evil korean drama series
  11. getting my very own room(lookin forward to tat) oh yeah and a tv and a radio.. now all i need is a dvd player and i have created my ultimate santuary...
  12. begining to think twice if its worth it to stay in the relationship...

so thats all i can summarise for now... hmm.. i still think i need to socialize more in order to get more and more and more and more ect ect..... frenz.. i m thinking of going on a strct diet and make an exercise routine.. still under planning... hmmm gotta go now.. i m counting down to my 18 birthday... hehe watever it is, with my circle of frenz... i dun have to worry of being old coz i m the youngest... para pa pa pa i m lovin it.. tabby out!

9:29 AM

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

elo peeps... i had a fine day today when it was disrupted tattered, torn to many teeny tiny pieces... 1stly why are u guys locking ur blog... its really annoying... haizz blogs are for public reading and u guys lock it up..if u guys wanna lock it then might as well write a freaking diary....

u guys probably thinking why the heck am i soo angry about... well, guess wat, he can't g to skool coz his dad and aunt won't let him....wat the f?! he always tell me tat he is 21 he is in charge of his life... so what the heck is tis? and here, he gave me another excuse... how is he going to support his studies? WELL HELOOOO? school fees tak sampai $50, u can travel using ez link and u can always get a part time job... nak seribu daya taknak seribu dalih... he can come up with 1000 excuses and i can come up with 2000 to counter...he says" he will try to find a stabil job" yeah with n level cert, u can create wonders...he has no prior experience, he has no skill...wat kinda work does he want to get? stop it eh... bloody frustrated...he could juz say it straight to my face tat he doesn't want to study... why make stoopid excuses... i m not petty but i juz want him to at least have something to fall back on... i do think about my future... i dun wanna end up like my life now... i want to live a life where i dun have to worry about money every single time...

to angry and frustrated to talk... blog soon bye...

6:01 PM

Miss Vainity!