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Thursday, February 22, 2007

elo peeps... today was totally fun.. went to skool and had my fren, nazri, to help me wif my dfund and edevice he wasn't tat much of a help... i had to guide him a while then he finally remember all those stuff he larn in year one and help me in watever way he can..(he is year 3 so its kinda kekok if u haven't been touching ur books awhile)well little help is also good help.. faz didn't join us, he said it was going to take him 2 hours to reach skool(total diva!)i m gonna have to mit up wif him tml to teach him.. tasha da siang2 backout coz she noe tat faz is a gone case... haizz stopit... so anyways, after tat, me,tasha n nazri went to kfc to have our dinner.. they eat so much yet they dun get fat.. hate them! they both have a craving for zinger.. siao... i have the fish thingy...and tat was wen nazri popped a very abstract question...

nazri: do u think Fate is pre planned or was it tat we planned for Fate to happen?

tasha&me: uuuuhhh...

me: i think we plan it to happen

tasha: uuuuhhh....

after tat deep spiritual thinking, we headed back to skool.. tasha had to use the toilet.. the kfc toilet has 3 cubical 1st cubical was dirty 2 cubical has spider webs and the last cubical had cocroaches....we went up the bridge wen suddenly tasha turn to me and said " waah yana kau naik bridge..." i didn't notice it at first but yeaaahhh i took e bridge... i usually hate taking the bridge coz i lazy kwang3...tasha like always spots on.. after toilet break, me n tasha teman nazri to take his stuff it was like oreadi 7 plus... then we sat a while before heading off.. so tats all for today... i ll take pic tml.. i hope tasha turun or else, i dun tink i can handle faz alone... i think his brain is made from brick...
love much bitches

12:17 AM

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

elo peeps... haizz its been 2 days and i m still struggling to study.. i dunno wats wrong but i m so stress but i dun even notice it.. onli after my aunt tegur then i notice.. i haven't been stop eating since last nite.. after i study, i went down to the kitchen n goreng mee... after tat, i ask my mum to bungkus tom yam seafood... after tat, i had a big glass of teh o with chocolate... heck! i didn't even notce... i guess stress make me hungry all the time.. nvm.. after the exam, i will find a way to lose the excess weight i and maybe lost a few of my own weight... haizz the exam is less than a week away...even singing doesn't crease my stoopid stress.. i m too scared to fail aggggghh!!! i can't get all the info in my head... i shuld panic shuldn't i.. haizz ok people i m gonna panic at the disco right now... blog soon bye...
love much bitches!

1:41 PM

Saturday, February 17, 2007

elo peeps... yep happy chinese new year! yeah~! haizz exam in a weeks times and everything sucks... so anyways, i m gonna update u guys on the latest current issue... i went to school for 2 daYs juz to not attend classes.. tats a total waste of time, thurs.. went to school juz to sit and get the stoopid lab test result... then 15 min later, we went off... so like always, tasha is late... ouh yeah i had already upload some pic from my handphone to the comp.. wohoo... so anyways, after the class, i ask tasha's best fren cum stalker aka ultraman helmi to accompany me coz tasha is late.. and he was like "taknak uh aku nak balik, nak makan" wat the heck.. its like juz 10 min.. its not like his house was going anywhere... he comes up wif the lamest excuse... annoyed, i juz merajok(like always) and walk off.. i ain't talking to him anytime soon.. after like an excruating 15 min, tasha muncul cam cendawan.. kwang3... so had breakfast wif her at KFC.. it was like 10.50 wen we reach kfc... obviously, the shop have not yet open.. so me n tasha went to get bubble tea... i tried the cendol.. and it smell like my nenek's coconut hair oil.. disgusting... tasha had tiramisu drink... damn should have bought tat... anyways, as we sit out 10 mins away, a civil defence lorry went past and one of them wave to her... kwang3... since i wasn't facing the road, i missed that moment.. anyways to make the story as cheesy as it can get, they stop the ugly white lorry at the mamak shop ard 50 steps away...instead of going straight into the mamak shop, they walked that stoopid 50 step to buy bubble tea... padahal kat sebelah kedai mamak tu ade kedai bubble tea... *shake head* they stood directly infront of us to look at the stoopid menu... not infront of the counter but infront of us... kononnyer pantat diorg lawa pe... so anyways, since it was already ard 11.18 then, me n tasha stood up and make our way to KFC... i ain't sitting there any longer to stay at someones butt...so after buying our food, tasha got this straw totally kecik cute giler..

well see the straw at pic above one is mine, the other one is tasha's... after lunch we went to school for a while doing nothing then headed to tamp mall to survey handphone for tasha... after surveying hp, i made tasha follow me to ikea to go survey for desk... heee penat giler eh it was like 2 hours of walking around...lame jokes aside, we reached the checkout counter, there was this hotdog stall and we bought one each for $1 each.. sedap serious... its chicken so no worries.. after the tiring walk, we had to walk to the bus stop out side.. penat giler eh...my legs were all wobbly afta the loooong walk...well at least it was fun...

the fri was boring.. nothing much to do anyways, teman atiqah at her class kejap then headed for the itas canteen and had lunch wif tasha... she was meeting her bf later at SAFRA happi giler.. but wat she forgot is tat there is a lot of SAFRA.. it seems logic if ur camp site is at sembawang, u will obviously go to SAFRA yishun instead of SAFRA tamp... like duh~ heheehehe....so write soon aites people...
love much bitches


12:10 PM

Thursday, February 15, 2007

elo peeps.. heeeee! i juz enjoy saying tat... its my trademark... dun like it then sue me.. pweeek! so anyways, its been ages since i last wrote in so anyways, feb 12 was fun.. hehe maklomla, makan free kwang3... not onli dat, its nice to be suprised kehkehkeh.. its not everyday i get a pleasant suprise... yup... so yest was v'day.. my mum ask me wheather anyone gave me flower... as if i was going to tell her if i got any flowers like duh... so yest everyone bubble me.. i mean my study group frenz except tasha.. she did have to leave early anyway... so anyways, she was heading to raffles so i tag along cam tak tau malu gitu.. then got call from mummy dearest, told me to go orchard... i had buy the stoopid ticket to raffles.. damn... anyways, i was compansated coz my mum gave me a new allowance.. anyways,

tuesday went a little crazy... i told tasha bout the song the ba ba black sheep song tat min n me used to translate in malay... so we translated beyounce song irreplaceable.. so here are the lyrics

ke kiri ke kiri (X6)
semua barang kamu letak kat kotak ke kiri
dalam almari itu barang saya, kalau saya beli tolong jangan pigang
asek ckp merepek je
boleh bobal dan bercakap serentak?
itu nama saya di kuching hutan
jadi keluarkan beg saya da telefon kamu cab!
berdiri di halaman, bilang saya berapa bodohnyer saya
ckp bahawa saya takkan jumper lelaki cam kamu
membuat saya bercakap

kamu pasti tak kenal diri saya(X2)
saya boleh jumper penganti kamu dalam seminit
dier akan sampai lagi bila2 masa lagi, bayi

i will stop now and i will continue wif the song on another post coz i m going to class now
love much bitches!

9:37 AM

Sunday, February 11, 2007

001. Real Name – Nur Liyana Bte Zaaba
002. Nickname – Tabby_julita
003. Single or taken – Pathetically single
004. Zodiac Sign - Aqua-rius
005. Male or Female -Female like duh~
006. Elementary School – Admiralty Primary
007. Ipod – No uncle janggut promise to buy at china
008. How many buddies on your list - Uncountable.
009. Myspace friendster name – tabby
010. Hair Color – i dunno... it looks black but sumtimes its red.. i dunno
012. Hair Long or Short – not to long or too short
013. Eye Color - Brown
014. Are you health freak – health freak are not fat like duh~
015. Height - 1.70m
016. Do you have a crush on someone - used to like a few weeks ago with elmo... i shall not elaborate
017. Do you like yourself - i think so
018. Braces? - mum won't let me too expensive
019. Think you're awesome? – aren't i hip?
020. Piercings – Used to but the hole closed up.. need to pierce with drill
021. Tattoo – no...
022. Surgery - nop...
023. First piercing – i think it was 11
024. First best friend – jessica ling kai fong.. i dun remember her name tapi bunyi cam gitu pri1
025. First Award – erm i think it was my edusave award in pri 1
026. First Sport You Joined – Badminton.
027. First pet - it was a bird but it died due to drowning... in a container of water
028. First vacation – erm i think it was serawak
029. First Concert – dun remember
030. First love – Prefer not to say.
031. Favorite movie – to many to write
032. Favorite tv show – invasion
033. Color – yellow
034. Music – more to hiphop but watever is nice, will be my fav song
035. Drink – air kencing semut...
036. Body part not on the face – my hands
037. Cartoon - Spongebob
038. Favorite piece of clothing – denim jacket
039. Brand Of Clothing – i dunno... i juz but i dun care e brand
040. What do you sleep with – my bantals
041. Favorite School – Non at the moment
042. Favorite Animal(s) - Cats anything cute and small
043. Favorite Book – to many to list
044. Favorite Magazine – CLEO
What am i doing now?
045. Eating – nothinG
046. I'm drinking – nothing
047. I'm about to - study i think...
048. Listening to – a korean song i dunno the title but very catchy
049. Waiting For – tomorrow makan free
050. Watching – the screen
051. Wearing – bikini...
052. Want Kids - soon in 6 years time mebbe but the legal way...
053. Want to Get Married - not now!
054. Careers in Mind – open my own shops ranging from restraunt to my own workshop
055. Lips or Eyes - Lips
056. Hugs or Kisses - Hugs.
057. Shorter or Taller - taller duh~
058. Romantic or Spontaneous – lomantic lor...
059. Nice stomach or nice arms – does it matter? i want long penis can?
060. Sensitive or Loud - Sensitive.
061. Hook-up or Relationship – Relationship, duh~
062. Sweet or Caring – both...
063. Trouble Maker or Hesitant - i wanna bad boi... so i can smack tat like akon...pfffft...
064. Kissed a Stranger – an auntie, i was rushing into a lif 12 years ago.. nyonya sak!
065. Drank bubbles – uuh does gassy drinks count?
067. Ran Away From Home – nop.. my house is like a big prison with the windows all grilled
068. Broken a bone – nop..
069. Got an X-ray - once... they told me to use tis thingy and i was stark naked underneath disgusting...
070. Broken Someone's Heart – maybe
071. Turned Someone Down - maybe
072. Cried When Someone Died - duh...
073. Cried at school - erm a lot of times
Do You Believe In
074. God - uh yeah but i m not the practical type
075. Miracles - maybe.. i tend to get a salty mouth(mulut masin la duh~!)
076. Love at first sight – uuuh... no..
077 Aliens - yes
078. Magic – no...
079. Heaven - erm yeah i think so
080. Santa Claus – no...
081. Sex on the first date – ermm no.. i m proud to be a VIRGIN!
082. Kissing on the first date – no comment
083. Angels - erm yeah....

6:49 PM

elo peeps!... wat is wrong wif u people, wen reading my blog at least take the decency to tag okey... if u guys dun want to tag then i m going to make it private and u guys can't read it no more.. so please tag! i m going all koreanovela crazy tis past few weeks.. i think i m going crazy.. i m in love with Rain(not weather!) the korean popstar... cutekan dier... stop it eh liyana! stop it! stop it! i have his new song and i can't get rid it from my head.. agggghhh!!! i ll put tat song soon but i dun wan to put it yet.. so anyways, i need to shed some light on this situation i have at home...

I KNOW TAT U ARE SMOKING U DUMBASSNESS!!! like duh! but like all other hypocritical sisters in this world, i won't tell on u unless u do the following...

  • tatter tale
  • hit me
  • annoy me to the state of i cannot take it..

but yeah other then that, i will stay out of ur way.. feel free to smoke coz i won't be telling on u soon... tat is if u can keep to tat 3 simple rules... other then tat, we are fine... see! i can be understanding... to all the sister who are reading the blog.. to learn my skill of " how to get ur sibling off ur back", do get my vcd at all participating outlets. 2nd middle child will be given a 10% discount...in the vcd, i will also touch on;

  • Reverse physcology for the thick headed younger siblings
  • Techniques on how to brainwash ur parents
  • lies: do's and don't's
  • wardrobe makeover: to transform a normal attire to stylish baring clothes behind ur parents back

and not forgetting the winning technique "How to get ur siblings off ur back"

sekian terima kasih!

2:04 PM

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

elo peeps...(and yet i did it again!) so anyways, been infront of the comp for quite awhile.. waiting for my bloody group to appear.. i hate them.. all chinonet and they all suck... so anyways, like my song? hehe at the start of the page got the song lyrics.. in case u guys want to sing along.... i juz love tis song.. its about 2 frenz that are no longer frenz reason becoz... i dunno the reason but tis guy(the singer) is trying to make the other guy get some sense into his head... so then there was 2 ways he was goin to react to tat he could either admit wat went wrong wif their frenship or he can juz say he's change and he no longer is the same old fren the singer use to noe.. sedey kan!!! i m going to do the same if any of us no longer talk to each other... anyways, my dearest father been bothering to go get my bloody liscence... malas nak pegi then tadi almost kene marah but thank god i got decoy so now i have to go register by fri... crap!.... nvm at least sis-not-so-dearest wants to teach me how to drift after she learn drifting from my cousin...so yah .... fri so many things to do and yet so little time.. exam less then 3 weeks and here i m blogging my heart out... haizzz i need to go get my head straight 1st ok blog u guys soon.. love much bitches

3:33 PM

Sunday, February 04, 2007

elo peeps! so like always.. i been marinating myself at home(perap!) been blog-hopping the past few minutes... wats up with u guys and TONEK? ada apa dengan TONEK? i noe wat it means.. maybe i shuld use it more often... the word TONEK reminds me of secondary school life.. remember tak min...

liyana: min bobal konek
yasmin: konek konek konek konek

muahahaha! those were the good times... so anyways, most of my frenz been saying " stop it" alot.. STOP FOLLOWING ME! i spend my weekend playing this game call Thrillville... it's about managing ur own theme park.. best giler.. u guys should try it... i m like soo hooked on it.. how i wish one day i am able to open my own theme park.. but watever it is, the game is addictive.. i played tat game for like hours... i finally slept at ard 3 am plus... woke up almost noon... strangely, no one been bothering me tis week to wake up earily.. (para pa pa pa i m lovin it!).. i ve a test tml which i m soo not ready for... hehe last minutes always do the trick...

i met tis guy online rite.. and he look like irwansyah... he is our age... he is so not my type anyway.. but heck i like making new frenz...i was like whooaaa... nama dier hedayah(its a he ok!) anyways, i hate to write more... blog u guys soon bye!

9:56 PM

Friday, February 02, 2007

elo peeps...(i m gonna continue to keep doing tat to irritate people) so niways, thank you for remembering my b'day... so niways, been like been ages since i wrote sumthing sensible in my blog.. so anyway, guess wat.. i broke up with my guy like 2 weeks ago... yeah shocking.. i mean heck he dump me.. wat the heck?! i should dump him 1st but still he had the upper hand of the whole situation... he was 2 timing me.. i wasn't sad.. i kinda feel sad for the new gerl.. being as fickle minded as a blonde, he came running back to me ard 5 hours later... well guess wat... ITS A LITTLE TO LATE.... anyways, i told him off.. i like my new found freedom...

so anyways, yesterday was like an okey b'day celebrate for me... i get to choose my own cake.. wohoo! tak pernah dibuat orgkan.. me mum and sis went to danga bay's secret recipe and bought me a tiramisu cake... sedap giler... then sis bought me a bag...(awww) she told me it must be less then RM20 if anything more, i have to fork out my own money(eeeek!) dasar pelokek.... GI TANAM AH DUIT KAU DEPAN RUMAH!!!!... anyway thank for ur tak seberapa present... i chose the bag of course, she juz paid it...so anyways, after the exhausting 20 min finding a bag, my mum hand da lenguh coz the cake was heavy(nampak sah bedek padahal taknak angkat) we went back to secret recipe and had our dinner there... the food was sedap... i had western chicken cordon bleu(watever tat is) it was chicken stuffed with cheese... my mum had tomyam kung.. sedap giler eh it was spicy and sweet.. a must try! my sis had this dish with rice and black pepper chicken... ok la nice jugak... then we had dessert... my sis keep calling it desert and my mum keep calling steak as stick.. how i wish i had a shell to hide in.. haizz... after dinner, we went back.. sis like always, try to find opportunity to drive... so she got to drive of course.. so day ended... period.

post to u wen i get sum more free time..
love much bitches!

9:09 AM

Thursday, February 01, 2007

i am not going to say elo coz i dun think tat is necessary... does any one remember wat day is it today? obviously not... like duh! other then today is Thaipusam, its also my birthday... haizz i dunno which is more saddening(i dun care if tat word does not exist!!!!!) is the fact tat i dun have much frens or my frens totally forgot bout it... *sigh* i dun mean my new found frenz (i was refering to u tasha) i mean my secondary school frenz... my gal pals.... my soul sista... haizzz maybe it is to early to say tat they dun remember... its onli like 9.01 am but still, i can help but have the feeling they forgot... haizz... watever it is, at least i get to get cake!! I M GETTING MY CAKE AND THERE IS NO WHERE OR NO HOW IN THIS ROUND EARTH ARE U GUYS GOING TO STOP ME!!! DO U HEAR ME!!! I M GETTING MY CAKE AND I M GONNA CONSUME IT AS I SEE FIT!!!! SO BITE ME!!! ok so tats all for today... sekian terima kasih

P/S: i hate the match yesterday.. Alam Shah is a disappoinment.. if u guys can even fair play a stoopid game then dun play at all... i m disappointed with the whole team! heck i m disappointed with singapore...u guys juz ain't my cup of coffee right now!

8:56 AM

Miss Vainity!