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Friday, July 27, 2007

exam is like around the freaking bend... so much thing to learn so little time


my poor brain...

9:32 PM

Saturday, July 21, 2007

elo peeps... kau!!! on tues was the worst day of my entire life.. seriously sey...lemmie begin the story la...

once upon a tuesday, i was at skool like always... so da kul 9.15 so i masok uh lecture... dengan confidentnyer.... lec hall kosong... uiks! aku salah lec theater ke? errmmm kelua balek pastu check... betol uh lt44. then i saw a note kat projecter... my maths teacher MC... nenek dier la... 4 hours break...haizz... so i made my way to the lib... lepas tunggu jap, tasha pun kol....

tasha: eh liyana lunch ngn aku....
me: uh ok...

pas makan semue, still got time pasal still break... so me ngn tasha gi lib pakai comp... so setelah pakai sekejap, helmi muncul..

helmi: eh korg takde kelas ke?
me: takde nape?
helmi: ouh same la aku pun nga break..

so setelah nak dekat 2 jam dok kat kerusi, pantat ku terase kebas so dengan pantasnyer, i stood up and jalan2 kepo nengok2 comp org.. then i went to helmi nyer comp...

me: waaaahhh rajin kau pegi OLE site...
(OLE tu sejenis website skola kalau nak revise)

tunggu 5 saat sekali takde response.. so i look kat comp tu... NURHIDAYAT...
sape sak nurhidayat? dier uatkan quiz untuk kawan dier ke? so i look at him...


so kalau nie bukan helmi, mane sak helmi? ruperupernyer, si pantat tu dok kat opposite site of the table... tengah concentrate kat comp dier...

the guy look at me one kind... probably trying to remember who the heck am i...
seriously, my face was like super duper red.. so i took my hp and wallet n jalan.... tasha pun look at me one kind...

me: tasha aku nak gi toilet tolong jagakan barang aku...
tasha: uuh ok

so selepas berjalan ke arah lif, n out of sight, i kol tasha

kring kring
tasha: elo
me: tasha tolong log off kan comp aku ngn bawak bag aku gi depan lif...
tasha: uh? asal.....
me: kau tengok lelaki yg dok depan helmi tu...
tasha: uuhh asal ngn dier?
me: aku ingat tadi tu helmi so aku gi tegur...
tasha: wahahahahahahahahhaahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!

so selepas puas ketawekan me for like 3 min gitu, tasha bring my bag n we were walking to the class...

helmi: eh yana! oi mp3 kau...
me: oh yeah terlupe jap..
tasha: helmi u nak noe sumthing?
helmi: ape dier?
tasha: tadi yana gi tegur yg dak laki depan kau tu... dier ingat kau, sekali salah org...
helmi: ouh ahaha aku ingat kau kenal sak lelaki tu masa kau bobal ngn dier
me: diam la ... enuff k muker aku da merah padam sak tadi
tasha ngn helmi: ahahahahahahhaahahaaaa
continue for like the next 5 mins gitu...

afta skool, i was goin to the bus stop... tinking wat could probably go wrong....so masa tengah jay-walking, i terslip dari curb n terjatuh kat road.. confident abes.... nasib i move fast kalau tak i would have lost my ass coz a car cam lintas gitu... dah gitu lutut scratch n was bleeding... sakit siot... aggghhh bingit uh... cian kan me rite kan kan kan......

2:58 PM

Friday, July 13, 2007

1. First off, what's your name?

Nur Liyana Bte Zaaba

2. Okay, but what does your bestfriend call you?

yana.... usually tat or "bastard sak kau!" ehehehe

3. Have you ever kissed someone withbraces?


4. Who is the fourth received call on your call log?

jo... he is sorta getting on my nerve pffftt

5. If you could change your eye colorwhat would it be?

yellow... cute kannnn

6. What is the wallpaper on yourphone?

me.... i m a self-centred little imp

7. How many pillows on your bed?

one big square pillow, 1 rectangular pillow and 2 bantal busyuk

8. Who was the last text message yousent to?

iman... juz a few minutes ago

9. What color is your shirt right now?


10. What was the best thing thathappened to you last year?

pass my o level

12. Who's the fourth person on yourcontacts list?

Amal... the person who gave me this questionnaire

13. When was the last time you criedfrom laughing so hard?

a few days ago... coz of sum pic i had in my hp

14. What school did you attend insecondary ?

woodlands secondary school... bring back memories...

15. Do you have a crush onsomebody?

hmmm there was tat guy in my maths class but not anymore...

16. Who was the last person that madeyou laugh?

me and tha gerls

17. Do you like Quiznos?


18. Who do you make fun of the most?


19. What's the longest you've evertalked on the phone?

errrrrmmmm from dawn till dusk

20. Do you think you've gottenprettier/more handsome sice gradeschool?

nop... juz more mature...

21. Have you seen your best friendcry?

not recently... hmmm

23. Do you dance in the car?

yup... who cares aniways

24. What do you think of hunting andfishing?

treasure hunt then mebbe... love fishing...

25. Do you and your best friend actalike?

nop... totally opposites

26. What is a noise that you cannotstand?

screaming and bossing....

27. Does your mom vacuum early in themorning, when you're sleeping?

yes... usually its my dad who would vacuum in my room... pffft

28. Are your parents in love?

eew....~ next!

29: At what age did you get your mp3player/ipod?

last year i think

30. What do you hear right now?

audio from madtv

31. Would you rather sleep at afriend's or have them over?

at frenz coz most of them dun wanna travel abroad

32. When was the last time you wrote anote, and to who?

centuries ago...

33. Has something happened where youhonestly thought you were gonna die?

yup.. when someone else was about to die.... scary....

35. What do you smell like right now?

i dunno....

36. Do you have a hard time admittingyou're wrong?

no... coz i m never wrong... duh~

38. What shoes did you wear today?

yup my surfer's paradise black shoe...

39. What makes you lose your appetite?

is tat even possible?!

40. What color is your laundrybasket?

i have 3

41. Does your mom make you wear awinter coat?

no... giler pe

42. Does it contain fur?

yeah as furry as a black indian ass

43. Do you own any Hollister polos?

nop.. wait... yep nop....

45. How do you like your steak?


46. Who's in your house right now?

i dunno... i m at skool

47. Where did you get your last bruisefrom?

dun have any

48. Where did you last go out to eat?

few days ago...

50. Is there someone you can't stop thinking about?

must it only be 1 person je... i m thinking of a few rite now

11:13 AM

Friday, July 06, 2007

elo peeps...TGIF!! which means i have pass thursday the day i dragged most... to think tat it couldn't get any better.... we had a peer evaluation thingy tat we had to do... and since i noe nuts about my group, i had to give them a rating for all the given criteria(0 for bad and 5 for good) and at the goodness at my own heart, i gave them 3,4 or 5 rating... wat really ticks me off is tat the comment they gave me... they told me to " CLARYFY MY DOUBT" and " stop saying irrelevant things"

what the fuck! never did i say anything irrelevant u stoopid bitch... aggghhh
frustrated sey

lets not talk about them uh... they so fucked up... i hope they all die a horrible death dasar....#$%@Q@

niways, to make things worst, my ex, the mf, msg.. maak kauuuuu u guys noe wat he do, he took almost all of my pic kat frenster and put it on his frenster then pretend like nothing is fucking wrong.... nabey betol... an advice from 2 frenz... one told me to get even by tagging him along and makin him feel like there is still hope between me and him padahal tidak another fren told me to ignore him... torn between ruining his life and ruining mine... hmm forget it uh buat stress jek....

soo not in the mood to blog funny... see la becoz of "THEM" i m cursing in my own blog.... !#@#$@%#^$%Y^$^@$$#%@

9:47 PM

Miss Vainity!