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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

elo peeps.... juz finish my last sup paper yest.. there is a high chance tat i won't pass it... oh well... i dun care... anyways. u guys must be wondering wat i ve been doing since my holidays... well its been a hectic month for me... i was inspired to write a book... tak percaya? serious.... ok this is juz the book cover... tell me wat u think about it ya...

so wat do u think? nice rite... yeah... anyways... i still have tons to do before raya....

-get shoes
-get bag raya
-get vintage shades
-get contact lenses
-stock up my makeup bag
-get accesories

the last part is almost done juz need to get some cool lookin round bangles...pffttt.... soo much things to do, so little time...

blog soon ya!

12:53 PM

Friday, September 21, 2007

elo peeps... hmm i ve been getting lots of unknown taggers in my blog.. very angry taggers... but hey, i m not going to flip or anything, nie kan bulan baik... so instead of going to go all crazy, i m goin to be the better person and apologize for erm... well... ermm.... oh yeah... for not goin to go wif ur suggestion to change my gender to become a man... ahaha... and erm sorry tat muka babi lagi lawa n ayu then mine... (pegi suro babi tu blog uh) n last but not least, my decision to still tengok the cermin though u warn about the cermin retak.... juz for u, i will change my pic... never have i done tis before but yeah i m gonna do tis, meet stokin my long lost cat... enjoy the pic k... or mebbe u have a better pic in mind, gambar babi mebbe... do drop in a suggestion in the tag box... dun worry i m not angry nor pissed.. i was but then i would be no different from u..

anyways, to update u peeps, i ve gone to ubi after months of persuasion from my parents ( and the death threat from my dad if i do not wish to comply to his demands on getting my own liscence) i had gone and get my BTT date... its on nov 30... hmm.. at least i ve a reason to skip classes.. hehe...went there wif sabrina n her cousin... erm tak salah sab called her noi.. anyways, we had to wait a long freaking time coz their num was 622 and the counter was then serving 584.. tak salah... anyways, we joke like a lot( u noe me, i tend to get carried away wif my jokes) then wen we got bored of laughing, we sat quietly and waited... that was wen i notice the machine....

the machine was this thingy tat they use to see whether ur colour blind and ur check ur eyesight... the machine was quite tall and it was placed on top of the counter... that was wen evil thoughts run in my head...

me:" sab, kau rasa kau leh tengok yg mesin tu tak? tinggi tau"
sab:" uh? erm bole uh"
me:" kau nak aku amek stand or sumthing so nanti kau senang nak tengok? aku rase cam kau
tak sampai je"
sab:" kau jgn kasi aku nervous"
me:" ayo sab!"

sumhow through the conversation, her number was called so she went ahead to the counter.. i sat there wif her cuzzin.. i was armed wif my hp cam to take a video of the winning shot... and i was not dissappointed... well good news is she manage to look through the mechine without and help of a stand, bad news is, she had to tip-toed and i had a video to prove it... hehehe freakin hilarious...

note to sabrina: " be nice or i ll post ur dreamy look pic and the video online ahahahaa"

well thats all for now, to the shortgungagak, its ok, i forgave u :)... blog soon ya!

3:12 PM

Sunday, September 16, 2007

elo peeps... bored stiff, nothing much to do at home, been in the dump since i got my result, failed half of my subjects. talk about sucky... so as i stay home and try hard to study, i done or see or hear anything interesting... i m basically home bound... need to get out more often... anywho, remember that blog i told u about... yeah the critic blog, i m no longer a huge fan of it.. coz for once, the material are getting a little stale... i mean u can talk about fat honry people once in a while, but it gets kinda stale... its still funny though, juz stale... well tats my view, dun wanna get flamed by his diehard groupie...

anyways, i finally got out of my house... though onli for 3 hours, its still worth it.... so sick of the i-look-like-a-begger-casual look, i decided to dress up.... and guess the reaction i got from my parents dearest...they laugh their ass off.. yup... thats wat they did.....they said i overdress...thanks uh.... my mum took the tv remote control and pretends its a mike and ask me..

"kenape adek dress lawa2 nak pegi pasar?" then she pointed the mike to me...

"no comment"

pfftt... dun u wish sumtimes parents dun come with sense of humor...anyways, after sending my dress to the tailor to get the zip fixed, went to pekan nenas(as u guess it) to go get nenas... no puns intended.... got home and went to sleep... well tats all... i ll blog about my boring life again...

8:11 PM

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

elo peeps, back with vengence.. nah... since puasa is like tmr, i won't wanna add more sins to my list of sins... watever tat means... anyways, i ve been busying (is there even sucha a word) moiself wif working...nuthing much but juz helpin my aunt out at her shabby stall at amoy street.. sumhow, after working wif chicken rice all this while, i dun feel the urge to eat chicken...sumhow lose appetite at the sight of it.... heck i lost all my appetite....i guess when u handle chicken too long, u tend to get sick of it... hmmm... anyways, working wif my aunt was a ball....had fun... i get to meet so many people and lain org, lain ragamnyer... sumhow this one uncle left a lasting impression on me... and it ain't a good one... i m gonna call him....

balding uncle....

to u guys at the first look, he is juz another malay uncle in his 50's working at an office in the CBD area... but he is actually simon cowell in disguise.... hmmm i mean, heck!, i juz started helping my aunt out, i ve yet to learn the art of chopping chicken... well sure the chicken may look minced... but the taste is still there rite.... well wat happen was, i was happily chopping chicken yesterday, wif full concentration and determination to get the chicken in perfect condition to the customers(well maybe i have overdone myself a little), it does somehow look minced, balding uncle turn to me and said...

"uuh dek, potong ayam tu tak payah kasi sampai hancur eh"

"eeekk"(my reaction)...

ignoring his comment and continue my work... sumhow, he decided to test my patience

" harap muka je lawa tapi tak pandai buat kerja"

i stared at him at the corner of my eyes as i swing the chopper higher and basically bring it down hard.... if he wanted to be mean, he shouldn't bother trying to "compliment" me... yeah i do realise i look like crap wen i m at the stall... waddaya expect? heels? a dress? maybe a power suit? i was too distraughted to even do my work properly... cut sum slack on the learners pehlease.... i have officially hate chicken rice...so i guess wif tat revelation, i m bound to lose a few kilos by staying a safe distance from all the chicken hehehee..... there were some nice people there... like the nenek jual air, she rawks... the nice office people tat were patient enuff to wait for me to manhandle the chicken... hehe...

anyways, i ll update soon... before i go, i wanna make amends... maklomla bulan baik so must be baik, hehe... to all i m sorry for being totally flippy, especially to someonewhoreadsmorenow, they say, u always have to fight evil wif kindness, so i m gonna be the adult and do the appropriate thing,

i m sorry if my sign off line is similar to jason aka The Critic. I m sorry that my fatness offend u. I m sorry that i dun support fat n horny people. I m sorry that my body excess fats make u envy.. I m sorry that i misunderstood ur tag... will u ever forgave me?

blog soon ya!

10:39 PM

Sunday, September 09, 2007

elo peeps... sori for the late entry... oh well today i guess is the most happiest day in my entire life... coz someone actually read my blog awww... how nice of u ....and to make it even better, wrote an insult on my tag... awww tats so sweet...so anyways, since the person tag oneself as someonewhoeverreads... so this person can be retard or the few of u that actually reads my blog which is juz a handful(my suspicion is on retard) aniwho, the last time i flame someone is like 3 years ago on frenster... ingat tak min tat time we gado kat frenster.... anyways..... now back to business...

so as u read on the previous entry, i told u about this blog i soo smitten of in the last few entries, anyways, i ve been an avid tagger there since.. but sumhow, i m not suppose to be mean, i m suppose to side all the fat people in da world since i m also fat... yeah i ll side with u guys but only some of u .....

the few which i ll side and defend is the simple girls who are like me too, fat, and are nice n not those minah rep fat and horny... please eh... like i emphasise, i like everyone except those who wanna be horny n sexy at the same time... like the peribahasa, kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga.. juz becoz of this few ppl, all fat people are stereotype to be horny people... a fren of my even confronted me " eh yana is it true all plus size people are horny"

what the fuck!!!

see wat i mean.... anyways to whom it may concern, i dun care if u hate me for hating my type of people..what justice have those buncha of people bring me? nothing...! they have onli been nothing but humiliate us fat people... go be whores all u want but please.....do it behind close doors...

back to whom it may concern, i m being real and honest with myself, if u known me long enuff, u would noe wat type of person i am.. yes i admit i show no interest in horny plus size ladies, but at least i m not a hypocrite... don't tell me, u go around armed with flower petals and shower people with love... everyone has their own glitches... some clothes compliments u and some don't... and these people tend to love size 0 clothes.... so am i suppose to sit down (like u) and smile(like u ) and ignore the reality of the situation(like u). who the fuck do u think u are and come to my blog and tell me that i have no originality and i m signing off like jason? juz becoz one entry look like his? well guess wat, as pathetic as u may seem and waste ur time to come to my not so humble little blog, i m honor by ur presence coz now everyone noes that there is a living hypocrite among us.. i m sorry for u, sorry tat u can't see past ur little pride.. go ahead... hate me... i dun care.... the more u hate me, the stronger i get...for your info, i feed on ur annoyance and anger... so feel free to hate me.... coz i for once, fucking love it...!

10:17 PM

Miss Vainity!