Sunday, October 14, 2007
elo peeps... tis year raya is officially the most boring of all time.... tisk tisk... sadness... anyways..... remember i promise to let u guys see the shade i bought for raya kan... ok so let us call upon syirin to model my new shades... *clap hands*

yes peeps.. as u can see.. its a generic flaw... all my cousin have flat nose and has no nose ridge.... and another flaw is tat... we all look like one another tat... we can actually be mistaken as siblings... ok tak caya kan... tengok pic my cousin...

ok so which 2 are siblings? nop nop... not the two gerls... its the boy and the girl on both left and right are siblings... yg cute yg terselit kat tengah2 is my other cousin...from another uncle.... and they say i look like my cousin wen i was young.. the genetic vicious cycle...
well blog soon ya!
2:25 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
elo peeps... sorry hadn't been online much... been bz wif raya prep...(like as in any one of u cared)... anyways, nothing much to update.... coz nuthing much happen anyways.... been wasting my life away in front of the tv... got sick of the internet...nuthing new here anyways... unless u guys want me to share the boring detail on how i did my spring cleaning... wiping the large glass frame wif detergent n newspaper.... squeezing between the wall n the cupboard juz to dust the hidden areas... crawl under the living room wooden chair to vacuum out the dust underneath it( like as if anyone wanna go crawl there n inspect... well cleaniness is next to godliness... watever tat means...)
anyways kan gerls...(and the occasional guys) *sigh "here goes"* its time for the SEEK FORGIVENESS segment... as u guys noe, i m always leavin the forgiveness at the end of the fasting month usually coz in case i decided to mengumpat pasal any of u people at the last minute... but tis year i m going to do it a day earlier... yeay! ok so here goes...
dear fellow frenz,
I, Liyana aka Liy aka Yana, meminta maaf kepada semue yg telah tersinggung atau merajuk dengan telatah saya yang kadang2 kasar.... oleh itu, di hari yg mulia ini, saya, Nur Liyana, ingin memohon maaf dari ujung rambut hingga ke ujung kuku kaki(more further) jikalau ada melukai kawan-kawanku serta rakyat-rakyat jelata di Singapura dan di seberang tambak dengan tindakkan seberikut;
- memaki dengan tidak sengaja atau sengaja.
- mengumpat dengan tidak disedari atau sedari.
- memarah tanpa sebab atau bersebab.
- terkasar bahasa.
- tersimpan perasaan dendam dengki tanpa disedari.
- terfitnah.
- terbohong.
- others(specify urself eh)
oleh itu, marilah kita sesama muslim(chewah!) meraikan hari dan bulan baik ini tanpa pertelingkahan ... BRING PEACE IN IRAQ! POWER TO THE PEOPLE....!!!
blog soon ya!
1:44 AM
Monday, October 08, 2007
elo peeps... anyways, remember how irritating i was wen i was in sec sch... yes the liyana that never did want to give up... selalu nak menang... well guess wat, i had the most suckiest convo yesterday.. and it was wif jason n his gal frens.. i perfer to call them female dogs... hehe... seriously kan, never had i ever blow up in anger like tat before sey... u can imagine how sucky i was treated... some people can't handle jokes... dumb*toot*.. anyways, imagine there was 6 Shortgungagaks and one of me.... yes defenseless me... well that got me thinking.... this is the reality of the world... no one is gonna be ur frenz... everyone is a mean bitch/bastard.. i dun wanna be stuck on my own... maybe i should re-evaluate my character.. i will try to be less annoying and TRY not to win in every arguement...even though it kills me.... i had a glimpse of the real world... it truely is horrible.. can u imagine...
u are at ur work place....
u said something random....
and the whole office can't take it....
and everyone lashes out at u .....
every single one gangs up against u....
ur back against the wall as everyone circle around u ...
everyone is saying something but yet u can't figure it out
ur head spins mercilessly....
but then u scream....
eveyone stopped...
they look at u and slowly they smile... and start giggling...
whispering wif one another and left u .......
ignoring u and pretend u dun exist...
onli after tat conversation, i realised, how important my frenz were... they are always there for u to lean on wen the whole world is against u ... how i take my frenz for granted... ok from now on, i ll try to be more matured and sensable... yet i m still keeping the lame and nonsense liyana... contradicting? i think not...
blog soon ya!
12:11 AM
Saturday, October 06, 2007
elo peeps... so anyways since i m still in the school holiday mood, i tend to get bored easily... so anyways, if u guys been lookin at most my pics, u would see... me and some international celebrity... thanks to me hideous photo super impose technic... tak percaya? ok meet me and chad michael murray

yup... most of my frens manage to comment on it...they sound something like
"*laugh**laugh*asal kepala kau mereng?*laugh**laugh* mcm mayat siak"
then i tried my luck wif tat guy from gilmore girls

and all i get was
"*laugh**laugh*siak ah kau*laugh*"
and then the last straw was me and usher... i ve to admit, tis is pretty funny. i laugh so hard creating tis picture...
meet me and usher

they manage to squeeze some sentence out...
"*laugh* asal kepala ngn badan kau lain kaler*laugh* mak kau sakit perot!*laugh*"
so i stop for a while... dreams shatter... until recently... i manage to control myself from the attack of hysteria...
meet jason pereira

yes lookin all manly in his red shirt...
and now meet an indian model from india... i suppose...

and now to work my magic...

U hafta agree wif me... tis is better compared to the ones above rite...
ok people laugh it off... try not to pee in ur pants...
blog soon ya!
12:48 AM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
elo peeps... feelin sucky today... juz got my result... i studied my MCT like fuck and still fail... where did i go wrong oso i dunno la.. my PRFW which i studied like last minute leh pass... mcm merepek kan? well i guess its ok... i m juz a slower learner... still there is time for improvement... what the heck, i dun care anyways, i m juz gonna take my time and pelan2 kayuh.... by the time i graduate i ll be like 21.. no rush to get married anyways. maybe i won't graduate wif my frenz but at least i graduate pe... its not like i wanna quit straight away or anything. i dunno... my parents will never be able to accept my decision... like always... no suprise there...anyways, enuff wif the emo entry...
went to bugis wif sabrina ngn natasha... tasha wanted to go to sungei road.. so we went.... and it was boring as hell... most stuff are juz junk... don noe how u can go there go get the vintage stuff... there were some vintage stuff... but most of it is juz junk... we went then to cityhall to go get some stuff for raya... anyways, i had survey that area before so i know tat there is this shop selling totatlly cool shades... it was $15.. okla worth it... i got one in white... they say it suits me... maybe it does... anyways i ll post the pic of my shades soon...after tat, i tot of goin to go get jeans... so i told them that i wanted to go to those shop at peninsular plaZa... but sumhow sabrina wanted to go see skinny jeans... so we went to this shop at peninsular shopping centre and look around at the jeans when the shop assistant came up to me and said...
"do u want to get skinny jean too?"
"uh? got skinny jeans my size?"
"yes... would u like to try?"
" uuh okla..."
tried like a few.... finally got one tat fits me perfect...paid like $30 for it... i say tats quite a onli 1 first, maybe if i like wearing it, i ll go get another one...hahaa... more trunk for my junk, or should i say make me look boo-tehlicous....ok tats juz corny...afta tat we walk to bugis and then to arab street were i got my kain for my kebaya and finally, the last place we went was hajjah esah to go eat.... wen suddenly
"ek? min! hehe join uh..."
so the five of us sitting and like always, yasmin nyer makanan lambat... ahaha... i emphasis LIKE ALWAYS!so afta our food, my leg was hurting like hell... maybe becoz of all the walking... at least my shoe wasn't giving me problem... if i keep continueing my window shopping habits, i will lose weight in no time... ahahaha.... well blog soon ya!
3:40 PM
Monday, October 01, 2007
elo peeps.. well friday was fun... coz i rarely go out wif the girls... laugh our ass off most of the time.. other then the annoying abg kedai tat was flirting to get me to buy their food(mcm la sedap sangat) keep calling " adek pakai spect leh kenal" nenek dier la.. not to be bitchy or anything but firstly, where is ur business etiquette? u dun flirt with customers... dun u people remember ur first golden rule "DON'T MIX BUSINESS WITH PLEASURE" sheesh.. other than that and the time when freddy from nightmare in elm street anta yasmin nyer makan lambat( i swear that girl was going green and probably gonna start tearing her clothes off mcm THE HULK.. hehe nanti raya aku mintak maaf eh min)it was all fun.. nak tengok gambar then nudge me.. malas nak upload..
walk all the way from beach road to arab street... tak sangka dekat giler.. mebbe becoz we were laughing through out the whole journey that we didn't notice the distance...
going out wif the girls is really dangerous coz never in my whole life, walk in the middle of the road on a busy arab st lane... hehehe .... like i said semue badan mcm besi kalau kene langgar ngn kereta pun bole hidup... so afta walking to arab street, we walked to bugis... and we walk again through bugis village and we walked to the mrt station and then we all went home...
met up my parents at my uncle place first then went home... that was wen my daddy dearest came up wif this idea
"adek nak masok Ratu Jumbo? diorg amek orang gemuk2 uat pagent"
"huh"(biar betol bapak aku nie...?)
"first place dapat RM$5000.. adek taknak ke"*senyum cam kerang busuk*
"merepek uh tak payah"
"ok pe.. kakak menang 5 ribu, adek menang 3 ribu(2nd place)"*still senyum*
*diam je*
ok here is wen the mix emotion comes into the picture... am i suppose to be flatter that my dad thinks i m pretty enuff to join a pagent khas for fat people or am i suppose to feel insulted tat he wants to me join a fat pagent so i can stay fat FOREVER and not to mention the notion of me winning 2nd place and my sister win 1st... is he saying i m uglier compared to my sis...happy or insulted? i m not sure...
sumtimes u juz wish tat parents don come wif a sense of humor.. pfftttttt!
well tats all for now... blog soon ya!
12:33 AM