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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

elo peeps... i m in a sucky mood rite now... yeah to tink tat i actually forget atiqah's burfday... actually kan... i remembered... den... i was too engross in alvin n e chipmunk tat i terluper... i m sorry atiqah! i m a sucky fren!... been blog-watching... haizz... after months and months, onli today did i find out that nadiah is attached to a malay guy... I KNOW I M A SUCKY FREN... i m sorry... i guess i ve been so engross in my own world tat i didn't find time to look into others. anyways congrats to yasmin... cute niece... i want one juz like urs... hmm if onli departments stores sell infants... mcm mainan plak eh... hehe... anyways... i joined tis overnite script writing competition and we kinda cheated....(wen i said we, i meant me n my fren) erm he ajak me.. and since i had no plans wat so ever, i was like heck ok lor....(who is this he?.. erm his a fren from projek cerpen... erm go c manja january edition... he is like the youngest contesteant tat won... the gloating @#$%^%) anyways, we were suppose to mit at orchard around 5.30 and knowing him, confirm lambat giler... so i went even later.... wahaha! he ended waiting for me for like 30 mins.. well its only fair.. anyways, we spend like a few hours doin the stoopid script... so the rest of the time we were mostly fooling around(not in any immoral manner!)... anyways, it was hard to concentrate wen u dun get any sleep... u noe me... wen i dun get my sleep, i tend to get alittle crazy... well more crazy den usual... not to mention tat i have bear the agonaizing pain in my ears coz he was a ziana zain fanatic... he will find ways to put on a ziana zain song from his song list... seriously we joked so much tat my stomach hurt from laughing so freaking hard... we walked out of that place(scape) at 8 am... and orchard road was empty... .hehe kinda wierd... like some freaky ghost town.... had breakfast at mac since most of the food areas aren't open yet... and i wasn't feeling good anyways... so tats all ... to bad i didn;t take any pic...

blog soon ya!

12:25 AM

Thursday, December 06, 2007

elo peeps... i juz feel like writing today... and anyways, i have decide not to put security... unless some faggot decided to enter and wreck havoc at my blog... like last time remember... anyways, i ve nothing to blog about everyting is the same like always... school is the same like always... did i mention tat my sister is still a retard? well there is no improvement in tat area yet... anyways... i wanna recommend some song for u peeps to hear...

  1. flo rida ft t-pain: Low
  2. chris brown ft t-pain: kiss kiss
  3. natasha bedingfield ft sean kingston: love like this
  4. natasha bedingfield (terasa aku): soulmate
  5. jordin spark: tattoo

and to those tat are feeling gayish and wanna listen to gayish song and wanna hump a dick or rub boobs wif the same gender, listen to this song then

shayne ward: If its ok with you

wahahaha... please do it behind close door... dun ruin my appetite k peeps...

blog soon ya!

11:42 PM

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

elo peeps.. I HAVE CONCLUDE AN OLD TRADITION THAT WILL CHANGE THE HISTORY OF MAN KIND! *EVIL LAUGH* with the help of my good(yet goofy) fren sabrina!

ok so after an hour of idle meeting, we have bring foward the old old age question, " kenape pontianak ketawa makin kuat masa jauh n makin pelan masa dekat?" well as intellectuals. me and Sabrina have dissect that area and thus concluding... (after much much laugh)

have u ever, plan a practical joke and the IDEA itself is oreadi funny. well same goes to the kak P. they actually choose their victim(yang penakut giler like Nur Atiqah Bte Mohd Ali for example) and they plan wat they wanna do to scare them... so when the idea and a projection of how the whole scene is going to be carried out is running in their head, they will laugh at how funny it is going to be... but they tend to forget that their voice is loud( so they will juz laugh kuat kuat) so upon scaring the poor pathetic souls, they will sneak up(still laughing) however wen sneaking up on the victim, the anticipation somehow get to them and thus unabling them to stop laughing... so how to solve this problem? they decided to cover their mouth with their hand to muffle their voice. however it is still audible.. thus solves their mind boggling qsn on how come when far their voice is loud wen near their voice is soft...

then explain the scratching sound on woods and stuff they tend to make wen scaring people?

simple... u see, wen they try to scare the people in the house, they will sneak up somewhere and get ready to scare... but then the victim, sense tat the kakak is there so their plan is busted! never did they thought to actually get caught.. coz they plan it so thoroughly. so it was unexpected thus making it extremely funny that wen they laugh, they aren't actually scratching the wooden panel or watever non living things that they scratch at, they are actually slapping the wood coz its soo funny since their nail is long, they will unknowingly scratch the wood. basic physics people!

oh yeah! then explain the sand throwing wen they are around?

this is so easy tat my brother can ans this qsn. they onli reason they do so is coz its so funny that wen they laugh rolling on the floor coz the idea of scaring people, they start to tepuk lantai. so since in the olden days, the rumah kampung is on the sandy areas. they are still unaware of their unnatural strength, the impact of their hand to the floor sends sand flying all over....

one last qsn... why do they cry sumtimes?

hmm easy.. coz their plan have been foiled and the victim don't feel scared... so it sumhow saddens them tat they have fail as ghost to implant the feeling of being scared. so the feeling of failing as human and failing as ghost got to them making them burst into tears

its easy to read the characters of the kakaks... lets see to conclude from my, professor Liyana, thesis, the kakaks are very merry bunch but however, they suffer from low self-esteem(like many gerls all around the world). i shall bring foward this thesis to the nobel prize headquater and get my million. it is onli fair that if i get it , i shall share it wif my minion.. eeerm i meant my fren sabrina.... i shall come up with more ground breaking conclusion the next time k ...

blog soon ya!

10:28 AM

Sunday, December 02, 2007

elo peeps.. hehee.... sorry for the late updates(like as if u peeps been reading anyways) so anyways...i dun wanna talk about the whole ryyan incident... coz most blog are about him... no offence, he was a nice guy and a great fren but i dun wanna make u all like sad n stuff uh... lets juz say he is in our memory. even if we get all depress about his whole departure, he still won't come back in one piece... if u peeps still can't get over him, think of it as.. he migrate to another country and will not be setting foot in singapore anymore....

ok... enuff wif the awakward sadness, well whats up wif me? erm nuthing much juz exam.. oh yeah i didn't win the projek cerpen... now tat was depressing... especially wen u fren win and gloat like no ones business... u can say tat i am a sore loser... but heck, even if i try to be happy, i m not... i did try telling myself "menang kalah adat pertandingan" but still it doesn't work. saddens... i noe eventually it will pass but heck... juz now, when i was watchin suria(i m boycotting singapore mass media) mcm terpress gitu uh, sekali they showed the showcase... it was hard for me to watch it coz i felt the winners were taunting me.... IN TELEVISION... sumtimes u try hard no to get it to ur head but its kinda hard... and i m nt even gonna glimpse of manja magazine coz got their faces... and did i mention i m not listening to malay radio channel until after the projek cerpen short story drama... which will be showed on january... i was thinking of writing a novel for a novel melayu writing comp.. maybe that will keep my mind at ease....

i dunno why uh but i m begining to enjoy writing very VERY much.. i guess i miss writing karangan.... i think i m going crazy anyways... mane tau one day i will become a award winning writer... ahaha .... baby steps liyana... baby steps...anyone wanna contribute ideas are free to do so.... ehehehe.. i was tinking of writing about frenship(something we all have lost touch with). about tis 3 frenz then they had their own problem.. one has a boyfren who keep trying to change her into something she's not but then she willing coz she sayang him(typical gerl) another going crazy about her weight problem.... and last family expectation too high... the whole story is suppose to project about the gerls esteem... so anyways.. need more punch in my story... feel free to tag my board.... :)

blog soon ya!

9:45 PM

Miss Vainity!