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Saturday, January 19, 2008

elo peeps... agghh!! i still have yet to have anyting interesting to say... ok so nothing to say den i ll juz put pics.. ok fair enuff?

ok well i have to say sumting here.. see the indian couple there... well THEY PISSED ME OFF!! please la... ur in a public bus... dun try to act romantic infront of people coz it ain't pretty to see u trying to grind urself on each other at one point, the girls head was rested on the guys lap( disgusto!) watever she was doin i oso dunno... i dun intend to noe... eee if i ever was to see, i would fork my eyes out.... and shoot my head.... sheesh well next pic is more comforting

hehe yeah(drool alittle) cute kan nie anak! anyways tis is haikal(say hi everyone) he is one of the most baik guy around the engineering school... he is very the pendiam and he dun talk to girls... tis is the kinda guy tat u would want to bring home to show to ur parents coz he is totally baik and sembayang..... now go oogle at him ok.... i ll blog soon

blog soon ya!

10:05 PM

Thursday, January 17, 2008

elo peeps... happy belated new year... wahahahha yeah i really couldn't be bother to blog... need to get rid of my internet obsession.... pfft.... anyways how have u peeps been? oraite? ok good! anyways.... nothing new happen to me lately juz tat i m going through another change in style... yeah... the same transition tat happen long time ago wen i went into sec sch... i guess since i m getting older, my taste in stuff changes too... school sucks as always... and i m graduating wif the oct intakes since i failed a few of my subjects... oh wait! did i wrote tat before? i can't remember... anywho.... so sick of being the frog under the coconut husk( erm is tis the correct term?) i intend to work during my school holiday... well obviously, i lack true frenz.... my fren circle is getting way to small since my frenship tend to fade as years gone by... pfftt... yeah... emo crap! anyways... i nid money to support my fashion parade ( as wat my parents call it since i take forever to get ready to school every single freakin day...) at school. anyways.. hardly seen any u guys around... we should meet up one day... ok takmo byk xcuse.... well u peeps see each other everytime cuma me je... rite rite.... i always go excuse to go out... well if i weren't stayin so freakin far, i won't be making or giving genuine excuses

like duh!

anyways... korng turun jb uh... we can go on a spree!!! wheeee! ok la tats all need to go class....*grumble grumble* taking care....

blog soon ya!

3:49 PM

Miss Vainity!