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Friday, June 27, 2008

elo peeps... i been blog hopping recently and i came across this one quiz.... knowing me, u ppl noe how much i dun believe in chain mail and stuff... ape tah lagi such a quiz result... however, the result from this quiz sort of caught me by suprise.. i have never thought of myself in that way before... the quiz is called "GET TO KNOW YOURSELF QUIZ"... i had to ans a few question and they would generate a character for me... it started out as a fun thing but ended up wif me questioning myself.... alot.... so here is my result....

Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

u see wat i mean! the last one really hit the spot.... i notice it too... through out my primary, secondary and teritary level of education, i ve been giving countless number of advices... ranging from BGR and family... and knowing me, u guy noe pretty well how i solve my own problems rite... i rather let it be and wait for things to get better on its own... or i ll juz be extremely bitchy toward the person i m having a conflict with( atiqah noes wat i mean whahahahaha)... like the quiz said... i rather solve problems with my heart and emotions rather den using the big glob in my skull which they refer to as "brain".. and let alone breaking down in tears due to trivial stuff...

Its not like i dun break down... i do... but rarely...as for how relationship goes, mebbe i am commitment phobic... mebbe i have yet to mature when it comes to relationship... deep down, i noe i m scared, and i dunnoe the reason why i m... we juz wait for time to path my journey down the millionaire lane! ahahaha sempat aku...

P/S: Tasha is turing the big 2 soon ahahahaha!! and to tink about it, i onli have a few more month before i turn to the big 2 zero next year.... which means everyone grow old tasha...!!! den after the big 2 we will worry about ur big 3 den big 4 sampai big Century!!! tat is if u live to see a hundred.... hmmmm

Blog soon ya!

10:09 AM

Friday, June 20, 2008

elo peeps... i again felt like not blogging coz i dun have mucho too say.. onli tat last week i had to stay at my uncle place in hougang to look after his cat ( spoilt feline) and also my granny who was hospitalized( spoit gra... eeh wait, tats not rite). anyways... i had to cancel one lesson wif my new tutoring student... name sakinah.. she is juz adorable in her own way... anyways... nenek been very very frenly wif all the trainee nurses from ite.. however there was tis one nurse who manage to piss me off juz by talking... not tat he is a matrep or anything but he is juz soooo selenger..

Me: dek amekkan straw bole?(since granny juz had an operation, she can't eat solid food onli drink clear soup)

Male Nurse: uuh? Buat ape?(look at me wierd)

Me: Nak kasi nenek makan sup pakai straw..( obviously rite! takkan nak garok pantat?)

Male Nurse: aah? ouuh okay..

ppfftt... stupid-nada... anyways... SINGFEST is coming soon but the ticket are super duper expensive butt!!!! there are big names coming over to the tiny red dot country...

  • Alicia Keys
  • panic at the disco!
  • simple plan
  • travis
  • stacie oricco
  • ect....

its like star studded event tis year!! but den.. the tix are like super expensive... haizz $200 for one measly ticket... and tis is wen my heart breaks(*cue smashing sound*) there is always next year... (heart still breaking)..... anyways... next week skool start.. i can't wait to meet my minions... eeh i mean my frenz... heheehe...

i have so much to say.. but i m disorganize so i m not gonna say it.. hehehe my brain work in strange ways....

blog soon ya!

7:23 PM

Sunday, June 08, 2008

elo peeps! skool holiday! yeay! anyways... guess wat! i got myself a tutoring student... yeay! so anyways, i ll start my teaching job on monday which is like tmr... excitedness...! its not like selalu i get to tutor people and get paid... i do most stuff free of charge( thanks to my family yang suka berjasa ngn orang and i become the handywoman) like

  • housekeeping ppls pcs and laptops
  • ajar anak orang
  • repair toilet
  • angkat barang
  • ect...

i would love to list more but i have very very short memory spam... anyways... my student is a primary 2 student. Nama dier Sakinah, nama bapak dier Ali... I have yet to meet these people.. and i really really hope the kid is not a pain in the arse... hehe... knowing me, i tend to be alittle tough on people... well more on students... so i m getting $160 a month, which is okay la... enuff to cover my excessive expenditure...

anyways... i been putting on quite a lot lately.. my tummy is soo out of perportion... need to cut down on eating.. and exercise alittle... need to! its a must! i shall keep tat my top proirity... anyone care for a game of badminton? hehehe...

back to the tutor topic, it takes me like 2 freakin days and countless number of registration at countless number of tuition agency before i get this one teeny tiny assignment... but at least i m not dead broke like most of the days...

haizz need to get my assginment done by the first week so by then, i ll cover more grounds by the end of the break... gee! i wonder why i didn't think of this diabolical plan before... hehe i juz had to squeeze in alittle sarcasm to release alittle frustration...

went shopping yesterday... wif my aunt n cuzzin... first we went to MOM(need to settle sum stuff for my aunt's maid) den we went to bugis street to get jeans for my younger cuzzin(hilman) had to get jeans for a skinny pairs of legs... so made my aunt buy him skinny jeans... n that enhanced more of his chopstick legs... den after tat... we went to mustafa since we can't find anything else.... dena after mustafa, we went to beach road to get a sling bag for my uncle..( he insisted to get a sling bag that is of the same shade as his pouch) of coz i had to selit in some sarcasm in that whole situation

MY UNCLE: ah pek, u got sling bag same colour as my pouch?

ah pek: got got!

me: uncle (ah pek), got any safety boot of the same colour as his(my uncle) pouch or not?

my uncle work as a ermmm sumthing to do with technical stuff... i dun really figure why he need to have the same colour for both his bags...

anyways after beach road, we went to expo to the john little sale den finally, we went to simpang bedok... at least we manage to reach home before my hips dislocated... hehehe..

blog soon ya!

2:09 PM

Sunday, June 01, 2008

elo peeps... so it has almost been a week since i last blog(like as if anyone of u cared pffttt) anyways... granny was hospitalize again.. for the umteen time tis year... (stoopid and simpleton cuzzing tinks its all my family fault tat my nenek is stressing padahal my grandmother keeps getting admitted in the hospital everytime she goes to their place... stoopid @#$%) the nurses are okay i guess very frenly... my nenek laugh at their jokes (but in true fact, she has a hearing problem and she can't hear if u were talking to her as per normal.) when she don't even noe wat they saying... anywho...

i notice tat i hate fridays( love mondays!) wanna noe why? coz on fri, my teacher decided tat he had more fun picking on me den asking question to random students to ans his questions... gee! i wonder who would tot of tat... so instead of asking the other 31 student in class, he decide to ask me ALL the questions in the tutorial... MACAM SIAL KAN! what do u do when someone ask u....

"What is "h" ?"

Obviously, as all normal sane engineering student would noe, u would have to look up the ASCII chart... but no... he expected me to memorize the stoopid chart and tell him the ans on the spot... stupid @#$%..... so as i fumbled with the notes and trying to ans him, he look soo farking pissed off coz he thinks tat i can't ans his stoopid question


den to add the icing to the alreadi blood soaked cake, he decided to say

" You noe wat really piss me off? u have spend almost 1 term in my lesson and still don't know how to read the ASCII chart, what's the point of coming to my class? don't come better rite...i can gurantee you will not make it"

yes... those horrible words run though my head like a broken record of a very very badly composed song.

firstly tat was extremely degrading...
and please la... i m not that demented as to not know how to read a freaking ASCII chart...

he soo totally ruined my mood to continue with school... or life...


blog soon!

10:48 PM

Miss Vainity!