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Sunday, July 27, 2008

elo peeps... first of all congrats to bia baia boya for getting a totally afro bf hehehe... am excited to pick fight with him... KIDDING! i onli argue with close fren's boyfren who happens to be as kental as MR potato head.. heheh i should start calling him tat k tasha tisu.... heheheh... it make no sense yet i find it funny... my mind work in strange ways.... oh yeah congrats to MR potato head for passing his erm moto lesen thingy...

so wat have i been up to tis week? well erm... i rather no discuss

it hurts to much to talk about it....
she is gone...
i didn't get to say my last goodbye...
at least now she dun have to suffer anymore...
i never told u before... and now i guess its to late for it huh?....
i love u... may ALLAH forgive all what u have done before
i ll see you eventually granny...
i ll see u then....

i should be studying rite now... blog soon people...!

8:22 PM

Sunday, July 20, 2008

elo peeps.. sebok je nak suro update pfftt... hehe.. anyways... its been a very very very very very( should i elaborate?) week..

  • granny's getting worst( haiz)
  • got a job interview for formula one night race(yeay)
  • got a respond email from 4PM(Pfftt bercinta sak nak tunggu)
  • met my mentee... (hurrmmm)

well yest was like my initiation day with mentee... nama dier syafie( i m not sure if tats the correct spelling but u guys get the idea) he is 14... minat rugby... the mum nama is lina... i call her kak lina coz she is like 31... which is quite young uh...she has a sister my age and already married with a kid... while she herself is a single mum. its sorta sad uh to see when a malay stick to being the stereotype tat most people put on dem... the poor kid probably juz want so fatherly attention coz they are like divorce and stuff.. now the mum has to look for a new home coz the ol house was sold to pay for the legal bill and debt... what can i say? i juz sat there and nod... sumtimes its best to juz lend a listening ear.... anyways... we had fun and games and such... the kids there look so freaking decent... but how they get themselves in such a situation is beyond logical explaination.. we had games uh masa the initiation... and i fell which was like really funny.. coz i was rushing to a chair.. and i had stomache juz from laughing.. funny giler.. den they play this game called invisible chair.... i ll post pic and vid on the next post... skg no SD card reader... hmm..

anyways... granny been very very week lately... at least now she isn't tat drugged from morphine... anyways...its kinda hard for her... she is dependable on people to look after her, feed her and even change her diaper... i noe wat i say is going to sound so wrong but my granny is like super cute... i mean serious.. u should listen to the way she talk.. den when i feed her everytime, its like really really cute... ok i should stop saying tat.. ahakz! most of my relatives in singapore and m'sia came down to see her... well most of dem tat is... anyways... my aunts and dad take turn to look after granny... yest was dads turn to teman her at the hospital... hmm... not going to see granny today coz i m really tired... i could barely open my eyes yest... today was suppose to be the day i finish up ALL my assignments... well good luck on tat huh... hehehe

well blog u people soon uh... taking care ya! bye!

3:08 PM

Sunday, July 06, 2008

elo peeps... been blog hopping earlier and obviously, most of my frenz barely know me well yet... ok people let me summarize my character for u....

Name : Nur Liyana

Aka: yana... adek.. liyana... liy

so now we begin... as u guys noe, i m pretty outgoing.... i m pretty good at disguising me as a snobby little biatch infront of my parents... and they still think i m a lady with little words(ha!) hehe... anyways... i do make plenty of frenz... juz few good ones... and i rarely get angry.. pissed off yes... pissed of to the maximum den yes... but infuriated, once in a blue moon... senang kata... i m like those sleeping volcano... however the difference about me is that .... i get provoked before i bust into a volcanic eruption... lets see wen was the last time i erupted into a fit of anger... hmm it would have to be the time wen min and frenz hide my wallet.... pretty bad scene...it involves the DM(mrs teng) oh yeah n another one was wen i betrayed my entire class of secondary 3 lets not get into details shall we... nurul aini bte mohd ali would noe wat i mean.. and aini! if ur reading, ur class owe me ice-cream ... yeah... i m a bitch wen i m angry... hell has no fury for liyana scorn... hehehe... anyways... like always... i tend to overpampered my frenz alot... and as u guys noe, i tend to do alot for my frenz... coz to me, i cherish my frenz alot... so wen i lose one, it must be becoz of sumthing big.... i can't help it...

i remember once... in pri sch.. there was tis one gerl.. who was in my class in pri 4 and she really got on my nerve... i screamed at her and never spoke to her till i was in pri 6... yeah... it was pretty bad... she did apologize a few times in between the 2 years but den... knowing me, i find ways to hurt her even more... i remembered on in pri 6 my fren wrote an apology letter for me after wat she did... and i made sarah read it out loud so everyone would know wat she did to me... after embarrasing her, i finally did forgave her...

the point i m making is tat.... as time goes by... i really take no notice of all the small stuff my fren make even if it does bug me sumtimes.. but wen it gets out of limit, i will eventually be the most fugliest human alive... sumtimes that person i look in the mirror staring back at me, scares the crap out of me.. but wat can i do... thats juz me...

anyways the purpose of me putting tis up is as a reminder for my frenz tat i m really wat i am... u should really have to put up some thoughts as to get close to me... coz i can eventually turn sumting i m not very proud of... onli wen my feelings are hurt beyond repair... i may forgive but trust me... i never forget... the curse of being me....

blog soon ya!

4:30 PM

Saturday, July 05, 2008

elo peeps... its been about a week plus i haven't blog... i had fever(excuse...excuse) anyways we sort of celebrate tasha bday on the thurs.. wen her bday is actually on the 7th(prior plans made but den last minute semue kene cancel) hehe it was cookies galore for her...pfftt to think i had to withstand the silent treatment from her juz to suprise her.. pffttt... so.. anyways, tis week skool had this convention for army personnel tat wants to pursue education and stuff.. den they bring in the big machinaries... totally cool stuff... to think tat they would at least put some cute army guys on the job... sheesh.. but the machine was kewl... took a pic of one of the guy in action check it out :

(the tree thingy in the pot thingy behind the swamp thing)

hehe anyways i ll upload the pics of me,rab,tasha n sab camwhoring session next time.. to sick to upload it now in the mean time enjoy me shahiduh n tasha camwhoring session in thier lab




oh yeah... i almost forgot.. yest kan i went for retail therapy kat city-square sorg2.. (yeah i like shopping alone coz i noe my own style) den i got tis cute hoodie sweater for like $13 gitu muai kan! hmm so gonna rock out skool on monday!

blog soon ya!

3:15 PM

Miss Vainity!