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Monday, September 29, 2008

Hello people! Sir lamb mutt harry raw year! (SELAMAT HARI RAYA!) sooo... I guess I have to update on what I have been up to the past few days since I last blogged. Ok here gone is no particular order;

I no longer teaching tuition, after the last post and my father(dictator) demand to stop giving tuition, my last lesson was on Monday. I m actually kinda relieved though, they stalled the last lesson till the end of September. 2 lesson of which I cancelled and 4 of which the father cancelled. It was super frustrating. So I told the mother of the kid I m teaching, that Monday was my last lesson. Thankfully they had another tutor to teach after I was gone. So I guess I didn’t felt guilty or sad to leave my student. Like I said before, there are some patience boundaries you do not step over, and one of it is this. So I left with $160 in pocket. I thought that tuition session would never end. Ok next topic!

Been baking cookies the past week my chocolate chip cookies turn out well. Good enough to be sold hehehe. The reason I decided to bake was that I had this ego boost and prove that if I made cookies, it would taste waaay better than my sister. And it did, she use to make good cookies and now its alittle bland. Maybe too little sugar? I don’t know. But what I know is my cookies are good! Wootz! (victory dance!) so I decided to make money out of it? Any takers? Hehehe I will launch my cookie website(with help from retard). Muahahaa *thinks of all the money she would make*. So here are some of the pic of me and retard making cookies!

tadah!!! the final product

Went to do some volunteer with my friend Firdaus. So we both head down to geylang where he was like late.. pfftt pissed but what can I do... he is what he is. So we met with the organizer and some other volunteer. There was one volunteer who look super hawt. Sadly from the looks of it, he is probably in secondary school... *sigh* eh wait! *smack smack own face* stop it eh liyana... stop paedophilia-ing. Ok after that, me and firdaus went to joo chiat food court coz I just love the food there. He suggested going to the mosque. So I have him that what-the-fuck look. Firstly, could he stop being cheap and 2ndly I was not in the right attire to even step into a mosque. Pffttt... anyways. Did manage to do alittle shopping but didn’t wanna spend too much of my hard earn money on trivial stuff. We manage to camwhore alittle. Ok next!

k thats all that I can think of. Oh yeah, *drag her voice monotonously* Happy 22th 68th birthday to retard. You don’t look a day over 90.

And SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all. Since I won’t be celeberating my Hari Raya in Singapore, I wanna apologize in advance in case I have termengumpat, or terkutok or terkata or terkasar bahasa or teramek duit or terbohong, tertipu and all other things that I might have done unnoticed or noticed. And if I ever did offend or hurt anyone either intentionally or unintentionally. I wanna say sorry for all the wrong in this world that I have done. Sorry to all! And korang halalkan la makan minum kawan korg sorg nie *cue sad song*
Thats all for now..! blog soon ya!

9:36 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008


Hey peeps! I missed blogging! Life have been hectic since... Forever! hehe.. So let me summarise in point form about whats been goin on with me! Do send me an email in a formal writing format as to know in more elaborate of what had happened! I will not entertained sloppy writing emails! hehehe...

-Parents start company.
-Made friends
-Lost a couple of friends made.
-Mader's day!
-Buying garments for raya outfit at Tangkak, Johor (total of 4 hours car ride... ass was freaking numb la sey!)

That is pretty much it other than the random get togather me and the girls had. It's been ages since we all had a hearty laugh togather about random stuff! We areeee soooo going to Amira's grill after my exam! Compulsary!!!! Let the sheesha session begin! I have yet to meet my mentee. It has been ages.. I m at fault to for not making time to spend some time brainwashing the kid. But I shall make it up and treat him to Starbucks! lolz that was so random. If I have extra cash maybe I ll treat him somewhere fancy. I do owe him that much.

Life as usually have been good to me. Skip plenty of lectures and class last week. Ugh! I hate when there are too much drama in my life. At least I have gotten rid of the tumor that cause all the commotion last week. hehe so life is back to normal to say the least. Thanks to Mr CPG and Tasha for bearing it with me through the annoying phase of me whining and complaining on a daily basis. Mucho Gracias!

This that i think i should get started on:
Overdued report
-Much needed Exercise
-Headstart on Term Test
-Save up for apparels! I apparently lack clothes!

I shall blog again... in a few days times or even tomorrow. I shall no longer procrastinate! I shall be a productive Singaporean!

And lastly...

Power to the people!!!... okay that was not required but it just felt right. Heh.. heh..heh..

    2:28 PM

    I'M BACK!!!
    Hey peeps! I missed blogging! Life have been hectic since... Forever! hehe.. So let me summarise in point form about whats been goin on with me! Do send me an email in a formal writing format as to know in more elaborate of what had happened! I will not entertained sloppy writing emails! hehehe...
    • Parents start company.
    • Made friends
    • Lost a couple of friends made.
    • Betrayed!
    • Mader's day!
    • Buying garments for raya outfit at Tangkak, Johor (total of 4 hours car ride... ass was freaking numb la sey!)

    That is pretty much it other than the random get togather me and the girls had. It's been ages since we all had a hearty laugh togather about random stuff! We areeee soooo going to Amira's grill after my exam! Compulsary!!!! Let the sheesha session begin! I have yet to meet my mentee. It has been ages.. I m at fault to for not making time to spend some time brainwashing the kid. But I shall make it up and treat him to Starbucks! lolz that was so random. If I have extra cash maybe I ll treat him somewhere fancy. I do owe him that much.

    Life as usually have been good to me. Skip plenty of lectures and class last week. Ugh! I hate when there are too much drama in my life. At least I have gotten rid of the tumor that cause all the commotion last week. hehe so life is back to normal to say the least. Thanks to Mr CPG and Tasha for bearing it with me through the annoying phase of me whining and complaining on a daily basis. Mucho Gracias!

    This that i think i should get started on:

    • Overdued report
    • Much needed Exercise
    • Headstart on Term Test
    • Save up for apparels! I apparently lack clothes!

    I shall blog again... in a few days times or even tomorrow. I shall no longer procrastinate! I shall be a productive Singaporean!

    And lastly...

    Power to the people!!!... okay that was not required but it just felt right. Heh.. heh..heh..

    2:28 PM

    I'M BACK!!!
    Hey peeps! I missed blogging! Life have been hectic since... Forever! hehe.. So let me summarise in point form about whats been goin on with me! Do send me an email in a formal writing format as to know in more elaborate of what had happened! I will not entertained sloppy writing emails! hehehe...
    • Parents start company.
    • Made friends
    • Lost a couple of friends made.
    • Betrayed!
    • Mader's day!
    • Buying garments for raya outfit at Tangkak, Johor (total of 4 hours car ride... ass was freaking numb la sey!)

    That is pretty much it other than the random get togather me and the girls had. It's been ages since we all had a hearty laugh togather about random stuff! We areeee soooo going to Amira's grill after my exam! Compulsary!!!! Let the sheesha session begin! I have yet to meet my mentee. It has been ages.. I m at fault to for not making time to spend some time brainwashing the kid. But I shall make it up and treat him to Starbucks! lolz that was so random. If I have extra cash maybe I ll treat him somewhere fancy. I do owe him that much.

    Life as usually have been good to me. Skip plenty of lectures and class last week. Ugh! I hate when there are too much drama in my life. At least I have gotten rid of the tumor that cause all the commotion last week. hehe so life is back to normal to say the least. Thanks to Mr CPG and Tasha for bearing it with me through the annoying phase of me whining and complaining on a daily basis. Mucho Gracias!

    This that i think i should get started on:

    • Overdued report
    • Much needed Exercise
    • Headstart on Term Test
    • Save up for apparels! I apparently lack clothes!

    I shall blog again... in a few days times or even tomorrow. I shall no longer procrastinate! I shall be a productive Singaporean!

    And lastly...

    Power to the people!!!... okay that was not required but it just felt right. Heh.. heh..heh..

    2:28 PM

    I'M BACK!!!
    Hey peeps! I missed blogging! Life have been hectic since... Forever! hehe.. So let me summarise in point form about whats been goin on with me! Do send me an email in a formal writing format as to know in more elaborate of what had happened! I will not entertained sloppy writing emails! hehehe...
    • Parents start company.
    • Made friends
    • Lost a couple of friends made.
    • Betrayed!
    • Mader's day!
    • Buying garments for raya outfit at Tangkak, Johor (total of 4 hours car ride... ass was freaking numb la sey!)

    That is pretty much it other than the random get togather me and the girls had. It's been ages since we all had a hearty laugh togather about random stuff! We areeee soooo going to Amira's grill after my exam! Compulsary!!!! Let the sheesha session begin! I have yet to meet my mentee. It has been ages.. I m at fault to for not making time to spend some time brainwashing the kid. But I shall make it up and treat him to Starbucks! lolz that was so random. If I have extra cash maybe I ll treat him somewhere fancy. I do owe him that much.

    Life as usually have been good to me. Skip plenty of lectures and class last week. Ugh! I hate when there are too much drama in my life. At least I have gotten rid of the tumor that cause all the commotion last week. hehe so life is back to normal to say the least. Thanks to Mr CPG and Tasha for bearing it with me through the annoying phase of me whining and complaining on a daily basis. Mucho Gracias!

    This that i think i should get started on:

    • Overdued report
    • Much needed Exercise
    • Headstart on Term Test
    • Save up for apparels! I apparently lack clothes!

    I shall blog again... in a few days times or even tomorrow. I shall no longer procrastinate! I shall be a productive Singaporean!

    And lastly...

    Power to the people!!!... okay that was not required but it just felt right. Heh.. heh..heh..

    2:28 PM

    Hello peeps!.. I just love saying that. So anyways I was suppose to teach tuition today. But then the father decided to cancel the lesson for today. Like hello, I’m not the one affected at the end of the day. The more lesson cancel the more homework I have to give to his daughter. I mean like what the eff? If I can recall, I have only cancelled 2 lesson so he decided to up the stakes and cancel 6 lesson. Which if u add up both numbers, its equivalent to 1 month. Its 2 month and I have yet to finish the last lesson. As for a student like me, I m still able to handle my cool and not break into a tantrum which I really feel like doing right now. Basic financial planning, once u get your pay, u set aside amount of money to pay to different outlet such as services and goods. Setting aside money will prevent such incidents like this ( pushing the 8th lesson forward for 4 weeks).

    Honestly, it has been a very frustrating month for me. Since I m not employed, that is my only source of income and to keep doing that is just to test my patience. At least when I cancelled lesson, I had the initiative to call a day or 2 earlier unless it was an emergency which I would have to call hours before the start of the tuition. But the father of my tutee prefer to sms me 1 hours so before the start of the lesson. Like come on, how many times does an emergency pops every week of the entire month during my tuition slot? Coincidence my foot! He told me last week to bring forward last week Wednesday lesson to this week Monday. And today he told me that my tutee can’t make it today and changes it on Thursday. When will it end? I don’t mind just wipe my hand clean from this family tuition needs. Just because I feel bad for the daughter that the school is so EFF up, I was willing enough to stay on until October where I would start my SIP which will also coincide with the end of the primary school semester. They can’t seem to remember that I offered my services when 3 other tutors did not want to show up to teach their daughter.

    So basically to all you people who will one day have children and will require tutors, please! I repeat, PLEASE! Get the fee for the tuition teacher ready on time. They have kept their end of the bargain, and so should you. Be honest with the tutor, they would understand and would accommodate to your situation. No one is that heartless. But by keeping the other party in the dark, u will only get one extremely frustrated tutor who builds an opinion around the parents incompetence to pay someone to teach THEIR child and help the child to compete academically with all the other students around him/her.

    Blog soon ya!

    2:28 PM

    Wednesday, September 17, 2008

    Hello people. I decided to change my style in writing. Make that my new motivation to write better in English (nothing to do whatsoever with me trying to get an ang moh boyfriend). No harm hoping right? Anyways, the reason I haven’t been blogging for so many donkey years is that I have been to depress to blog (Sabrina is not the only person who can feel depress about her life okay!). So remembered how I blogged on how happy I was to work at Swensens? Yep, that few happy days in which I get to be extremely tired. However, my happiness was short-lived. Apparently my father, decided not to let me work anymore. Reason being, I don’t know the reason. Parents are just made unreasonable. Who am I to question the wonders of life? Ok so, Selamat menunaikan ibadah berpuasa to all muslim( yeah all 4 of you who read my blog). So what had happened this few weeks? Well, failed my exam, went to break fast with fellow minion err I mean friends. Hehehe... thanks to Tasha, we went to Zam Zam to break fast... and guess what we had (drum roll please)


    Sadly that is all they have there. So it’s either I had murtabak or bryani. Since I was hungry, I really wasn’t that choosy. Had the sardine murtabak and what I can say is, it’s really not that nice as exaggerated by Tasha. The sardine made the murtabak super soggy. Apparently I was suppose to eat their mutton murtabak which was said to be super nice. I tasted it and I prefer the ones I bought in JB. Waaaay nicer. I was hungry and extreme thirsty (yes people! I‘m a heavy drinker!) after shopping alone( I hate shopping with company, they just cloud my judgement) I got 2 footwear, 1 skirt(brown and totally cute) and food which in total add up to $100. Honestly I need to stop my impulse shopping. It tends to get the best of me or my judgement. I spend more later on drinks. I can’t help it, I tend to drink a lot more than usual when I m out with friends. Anyways, after food galore, we walked back to bugis street cause shahidah wanted to surveyed for handphone. So as we were about to cross the road, me and
    Tasha were talking when Tasha decided to make a quirky comment

    Tasha: eh yana tu ade wholesalenyer kedai. Kau boleh wholesale baju.
    Translation :( yana, there a wholesale centre. You can wholesale clothes there)

    So I gave her the funny look. She was referring to the Victoria Street Wholesale Centre, which was famous for their dried spices.

    For you guys who don’t know what she was referring to, here’s a little update. I recently wanted to start my own online apparel business but kinda on a halt since I do not have a capitol to start my business. No picky I’ll just wait till next year. This year is all planning. So to even suggest for me to get wholesale apparel at a dried spice wholesale centre is just plain crazy. So I had to come up with something quirky.

    Me: tasha, they sell spices not clothes. kirekan kau nak suro aku borong shitake pe?
    Translation: (tasha, they sell spices not clothes. So you expect me to haul shitake instead?)

    The shitake I’m referring to is Shitake mushroom. View insert picture below.

    Then this is when I almost rolled on the floor laughing my anus off.

    Tasha: kau step kat sini cume ade kedai shiitake je?
    Translation: ( do u really think that they only have shiitake shops here?)

    Me: Tasha, do u know what shiitake is?

    Tasha: yea, mushroom uh.

    Me: tasha, they sell provisional item sak. Kau step diorg jual mushroom je.
    Translation: ( tasha, they sell provisional item. Do you think they would just sell mushroom?)

    Tasha: diam uh kau
    Translation: (shut up)

    Shiitake shops? I can’t imagine the whole Victoria Street Wholesale Centre, to only specialize in shiitake mushroom. That like hilarious. How many kinds of shiitake mushroom can u think of? I can only think of one really.

    And to think that they have a whole centre selling Japanese mushroom, that just wrong.
    So my days are as schedule with. Sleep, online, and laze around like a lazy ass snake. Stop and repeat the same pattern every day. I m sooo going on an exercise regime( I seriously am!!!) once school starts. So let me think of what to blog about. Hmm.... oh yeah that reminds me. And since its Ramadan, I ought to do good deeds. So insyaAllah, I would probably meet my friend, Firdaus, to go help out some fakir miskin and hand out fidyah.

    Okay so anyways I run out of topics to blog about. I ll blog the next time something interesting happen to me. Ok bye!

    Blog soon ya!

    1:49 AM

    Miss Vainity!