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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another day in the lab....

Ahmad : sial uh jangan bilang aku tak bawak wallet ah *digs for wallet in his bag*
(shit! I m not sure if i brought my wallet along)

Me : kalau kau tak bawak wallet cammane kau beli makan? *points to the food in his hand*
(if you didn’t bring you wallet, where did you get the money to buy food?)

Ahmad : aku main seluk duit dalam pocket je tadi *still rummaging through his bag*
(i just took whatever money i have and put in my pocket)

Me: Abeh kau gi skola naik ape?
(So how did you get to school?)

Ahmad : ooh a’aah eh...*finds wallet in bag*
(oh yeah)

Me: *icy death stare* kau dah kenape mat?!
(what the heck is wrong with you?!)

12:14 PM

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ellooo!!! Can’t take the lame crap in my lab. Like honestly any more lame question from anyone or lame comment from ahmad, I will burst into a wrath of evil fury… I d probably turn green and starts to tear my clothes apart (no worries I ll cover as much aurat as possible.. cannot let guys see.. haram!) anywhoooo… today is quite a productive day after 3 days of chatting with dear ol friend Christopher.

So today, I m gonna touch on friendships. I just find that this topic is interesting to talk about.. well I think so, if you don’t then to bad. I mean who the fuck reads my blog? Except for me, tasha and what nots, retards and those insect that happen to past by when someone goes to my blog… probably wondering about on the computer/ laptop screen and got squashed by a big ol thumb.

I m talking gibberish anyways, so let me make this short and sweet. Friends are like electrical appliances. You have good time and bad time with em, what happen when the warranty expire? You continue on anyways and use em. Remembering all the happy and sadness you share together and eventually the thing will start to get old and no longer work properly. Thus it will break down once and again. So what do you do, u shop around for new appliances. You keep that old appliance in ur cupboard long enough that eventually one day, you throw it out for it takes up space in ur house and you have no reason to keep it around anymore. Some of the appliances would endure rough time, others break down under the weather and circumstance. So one day you stroll along some old shop houses and see another appliance that identical to the one that u throw away. You begin to reminisce all the good quality of the good ol appliances. And 15 minutes later, your off to do something else.

So to conclude, some friendship are made to last, others, will simply be memories…

That’s all for today, I ll post pictures some other freaking time! Ok bhai!

5:32 PM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sucky sucky sucky. I got sick over the weekend. Pfft.. like what are the odds of that happening right? And since my life is already boring enough I thought I would come to school to complete my week project… one stupid backdrop and the school was like freaking dark… I honestly need to get a life… right after my father stop draining my youth. So today I m gonna talk bout irritating….

Khalil is not involve though.. lolz… I no longer mingle with stray animals… except for the big monkey whom happen to be my lab partner…anywhooo lets talk about that new melly goslow song…. Yeah the one below


How can you go one for 3 minutes plus singing the same line… grrrr!!! And to think they make money out of it!... why don’t I make my own song “ I love pink kittens!” use the same song and sing the same line for the next 3 minutes 56 times.! Huh! How bout that! Would u crazy freaks buy that load of crap?!

*calms self down* lets talk bout another thing that irritates me a lot.. my mother whistling in the car. Its really really annoying. When she hears a song she like, instead of humming, she whistle. Seriously, its really really really annoying. And when I tell her to keep quiet, she d will purposely whistle louder… can u imagine me trying to enjoy a good song and she ruins the mood. So what do I do, I change to an English radio station where she’d won’t listen to and so she won’t whistle to it…. Brilliant I tell you! BRILLIANT! Muahahahahaha *evil chuckle*. I don’t mind her singing to the song (even if she makes all happy songs sound sad and all sad song sound suicidal) but the whistling is horrible… its like my pet peeve… and all I do every single time is just sit and brood with my eyes twitching.

Ok last but not least. The thing that makes me super irritated is my flaw on getting everything perfect. I think I m like a closet perfectionist. I have a thing for how stuff should go and how things are suppose to be done. It really bugs me at times I can’t sleep coz I d think of stuff… let use this project for an example shall we? I came back to school on the WEEKEND to complete it coz I thought my first draft looks ugly! Who the fuck does that!! You d just throw whatever u have done and get it over with.. but nooooo! I had to go all crazy and try to make it all nice and stuff… hate hate hate!

Ok that’s all for now. Talking bout irritating stuff just makes me feel more irritated.. pfftttt….

9:17 AM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Yet another boring day in school. Ahmad, moi lab partner will be M.I.A-ing for the whole of this week. Lonely to the next level eh tontuan dan pompuan, no one to nagged too, no one to layan my nonsense. *sigh* sad state i m in. On the lighter note, i have finally decided what to do with my life. Ok ok so if u are interested, this is my big big break... ready?

I m gonna continue studying!

Not shocking rite! Hehehehe... anyways, whats my brilliant masterplan is to grad, work for like a year or so... depends on how much it will cost to study overseas, save up plenty so that i don’t have to worry about starving myself over there.. and when i say there i meant united state of america (errr meh reee kaaah!) stay with a fren *wink* *wink* and graduate with a degree before i drag my ass back to asia. I m not to fond of emigarting to a totally diffrent continent, bak kata perpatah errrr.... i can’t remember... anyways... i rather stay where my family is at...

Met with mentee recently ( the kid i mentor from muhammadiyah), he finally opened up about his family... only now did i realised why the heck does he no likey his mommy tat mucho... well i shall not elaborate.... its really heartbreaking to see the state anak-anak melayu zaman sekarang. Why settle for slumps? Its a vicious cycle, it starts from the parents then the cycle is passed down to the kids.

I really don’t get the mentality of these people. I m saying this in general and not pointing out to anyone in paticular. Similarity to any events is purely coincidental. So lets say u start with a baby boy and call him mat. Mat lives in a 3 room flat with 4 other siblings, his father work as a technician and his mother is a full time housewife. He goes to secondary school stream under normal technical where he spend 4 years of his life getting into trouble and hope one day he can make it big as a national soccer player. Barely scrap through N levels, he then proceed to ITE doin a course related to engineering. He then mixed with the wrong people and got his first bike. Where he then proceed to join some random motorcycle design group. At this point on, he met with his future wife, minah, another student doin some cosmetic course in ITE. He graduate ITE and goes straight to NS. After doing 2 years of National service, he works as a technician after being recommended by a fellow fren or a family member. Eventually mat and minah went overboard and minah is pregnant. So no other choice but shot-gunned wedding. After stay with each other for like 5 years and have 2 wonderful kids, mat/minah starts to “main giler” (have an affair) . mat/minah couldn’t take the hardship and was hoping for something better. Thus they got a divorce and the kids get in trouble coz they wanted their parents attention. Parents are constantly bickering bout the small stuff.. eventually the kids grow up and the story repeats itself.

Why does everything have to happen in the heat of the moment? Why does all have to resolve in divorce?

I read a friend’s blog recently which actually made alot of sense. Every single time, this minority keeps whining on how unfair life is for them and how people look down on them. Why not instead of trying to change society, take the time and reflect on ur own life. Its a dog eat dog world out there, every man/woman on their own. If u think with no education and hope to make big bucks, YOU ARE WRONG! No one gives a fuck about you. With the economy at the slumps, every single job vacancy will be taken under consideration and do you really think that someone with no qualification can secure a job without worrying bout the future? With all the dire necessities bills going high, do you really think that with a salary of $800 you can life contented?

This is not 1960s, there is no free lunch in this world buddy! Learn dammit! Don’t stop till your head hurts. And once, your done, you shall reap what you sow. Imagine, a big desk in a huge room in the tallest building, plenty of people sucking up to you. And all you do is just sign papers learn golf and join some random rich guys to talk about business proposal. After that, drive your BMW newest series to ur big big bungalow and welcomed home by your wife/husband and kids.

It all can happen and all you need to do is never ever give up and settle for mediocre.

Thats all for today... till then, blog soon peeps!

9:15 PM

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Amy Winehouse - tears dry on their own

All I can ever be to you
Is a darkness that we knew
And this regret I had to get accustomed to
Once it was so right,When we were at our high
Waiting for you in the hotel at night
I knew I hadn't met my match,
But every moment we could snatch,
I don’t know why I got so attached,
It’s my responsibility,
And you don’t owe nothing to me,
But to walk away I have no capacity

He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I’m grown,
And in this grey,
in this blue shade
My tears dry on their own,

I don’t understand,
Why do I stress A man,
When there’s so many better things at hand,
We could a never had it all,
We had to hit a wall,
So this is inevitable withdrawal,
Even if I stop wanting you,
A Perspective pushes thru,
I’ll be some next man’s other woman soon,
I shouldn't play myself again,
I should just be my own best friend,
Not fuck myself in the head with stupid men,

He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day
but I’m grown,
And it's OK,
In this blue shade,
My tears dry on their own,
So we are history,
YOUR shadow covers me
The sky above,
A blaze only that lovers see

He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I’m grown,
And it's OK,
In this blue shade
My tears dry on their own,

I wish I could SAY no regrets,
And no emotional debts,
And as we kiss goodbye the sun sets,
So we are history,
The shadow covers me,
The sky above a blaze that only lovers see,

He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I’m grown,
And it's OK,
In this blue Shade,
My tears dry on their own,

He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I’m grown,
And it's OK,
My deep shade,
My tears dry

He walks away,
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I’m grown,
And it's OK,
My deep shade,
My tears dry.

New prespect in life! wohoo!!!

10:11 AM

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Who am I kidding? It was a long shot anyways. Should I give up or continue in pursuit of happiness? If all odds are against me, is it worth the time and sacrifice? Should I just wait and hope eventually everything will fall to place or should I just move on? I don’t know really. I wish I have the answer now. But all I can do is wait. Times like this is when I really wish there was divine intervention.

Dear Allah s.w.t,

I need you.


10:55 PM

Miss Vainity!