Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Hello people.. it’s been like a week since I last posted.. not like anyone is reading it... hehehe...
quick update!
Went to KL last weekend. Wasn’t great but I guess it was okay, too much tension and drama... got to spend time with cousin, adiboy, like finally! He is like one of my cousin that hangs out with us like once in a blue moon. Which in simpler terms mean, he hardly do so. Went to watch Yes Man with him and siblings and his younger sister. I thought it was gonna be boring.. I thought wrong! It was pretty good. Kinda makes you think about how you should dictate your life... everything is a small ripple effect. You do something and everything just sort of snowball from there. pretty deep and profound meaning behind that story. Then later that night, we went to Petaling street for some back to school shopping. (my parents still thinks that the start of the new semester is like the 2nd day of the new year... polytechnic academic schedule don’t work that way people!) but still it was fun to go shopping... though so pissed-me-off moments does surface once in awhile but I rather not keep grudge. I shall not elaborate. There was a creepy moment though... went to this one store, looked through the stuff. The sales guy (I suppose he is a Bangladeshi from the way he looked) was like pushing the stuff at me... he literally had me cornered. He expected me to believe that a D&G bag of first class imitation cost like RM180..?!
What the fuck? That’s like a total rip off. So I told him off and said
“are you serious? This is fake D&G, it can’t cost that much?!”
He said I had keen eyes and I d probably have a good sense in fake stuff, he then opened price at RM100. It was still fucking ridiculous. Then I said it’s too pricey, I d take it if it was like RM30. He d said it was not possible. Then he started rambling bout it was made in Korea and the leather was of good leather. He wanted to push the sale and said “you very cute so I give you RM80”. That was when I found that last phrase creepy and I was scared then. I d told him I would think about it but he just won’t let me walk out the shop, I said I d ask my mom first. He waited for like an hour and he approached me again, I d purposely stood next to my older cousin, Iqbal, and I told him I wasn’t interested anymore. He said he would sell me the bag for like RM40 and I was like no thanks it’s okay, I m not interested. Phew~! Thanks to my quick thinking and stand beside my cousin. That guy didn’t pursue on the matter. I still got to get my D&G bag though. Pretty pretty bag! And a D&G watch and a Polo tee. I d would have gotten more though *sigh* I shall not elaborate more.
Hmmm anything else to blog about?... hmmmm.... none that I can think of right now... oh yeah... heart seem to be pounding irregularly and extremely quick. Is that normal? Am I gonna die?
Dear booboo,
I made it sound as though it’s a bad thing. hehehe
9:34 PM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Pffttt… getting more pudgier! I hate MP/SIP. Too much stress and too much food. Dammit! Time really flies doesn’t it? I had THE conversation with my dad. Yes, that dreaded conversation that I try to dodge every single time.
Dad: Adek graduate biler?
(When are you graduating?)
Me: Next year ah
Dad: Lepas graduate nak buat ape?
(What do you plan to do after graduation?)
Me: *shit!* errmm entah… keje gaknyer… economi tak bagos… tengok uh cam mane
(errmm I don’t know. Work maybe. The economy is bad. We’1l see how)
Why??? Why THAT question? Remember the good ol days where he d nagged bout my grades and I d say sorry and would go to sleep cause it was past my sleep time? I miss those days. And honestly, I m not ready. I m not ready to work full time. I m not ready for the responsibilities. Soon, I hafta get married and have kids and worry bout the bills. I AM SIMPLY NOT READY. Is there a button that can put a pause in life for a sec? I m growing up to fast. It felt like yesterday that I was in secondary 1 and was learning to be normal and make new friends. The reason I wanna keep on studying is because I m not ready to be a working adult. By next year, I’ll be 20, and working in a REAL job. It scares the shit out of me. But what can I do? It’s a circle of life. U hafta work in order to survive.
Yes people, the idealistic and wide-eye Yana is scared. Wish I had a confidante, someone who would just assure me or lie to me that everything is alright. Or just tell me how fun working life is. And when I say that, I really don’t mean treat me like a naïve 13 year old and tell me tall tales on how much money I can make. I KNOW how much money I can make realistically. I just wanna know how I m gonna live through the harsh and cold reality of it.
8:30 AM
Friday, December 05, 2008
I summarize the whole week as “The Most Fucked Up Week This Year” lost my earphone, thumbdrive and now… *drum roll* my handphone. It couldn’t get more fucked up than this can it. I so hate my life right now. Why do all good people get crapped!
8:43 AM
Thursday, December 04, 2008
I m honestly fucking pissed right now. First it was my thumbdrive and now its my fucking earpiece. Even if it cost $6 plus… its still money wasted. Who the fuck steals ear piece? Are you like fucking retarded or something? You cheap bastard!!! To think that I came to school early in the morning just to find my stuff missing. And to think my chewing gum just lessen.. firstly, I don’t have a problem with anyone taking my chewing gum… my labmates usually will ask me nicely if they want to. But SOME people just doesn’t have the basic courtesy to even ask. That is considered stealing!!!! And if you eat something stolen theres a high chance that the owner will haram-kan whatever they have stolen. So in this case, my words of wisdom to the person who does all these crap and think that he/she is so farking cool for doing so. “ fuck you!! Segala barang yang kau curi dari aku, aku HARAMKAN!”
Totally ruined my morning… ka ni na bey chow chee bye!
9:24 AM
Monday, December 01, 2008
same ol yana...
just more shit-assed life...
12:12 AM