Hello peeps...! so I m gonna make a quick update...
Ok so projects are never ending, thank god its ending soon. I rather hit the books that stare at the school computer and worry bout datelines... pfftt. So I still have plenty of projects due and yet time is limited. In a few more weeks, my friends are graduating... means I lunch alone in school. Like yeah, sucks big time. I ll just have to survive it. Maybe drag Ahmad to lunch with me. That be fun. Ahakz!
So I manage to execute one of my resolution this year. I went to the gym on Friday. Apparently, everyone things its funny.... pfftt... what’s so funny bout an obese girl wanting to lose some extra pounds. At least I m doing something!!!! Chee bai.... so basically after 4 years of no exercise, jogging was like fucking hard. You see, I wasn’t much of a runner back in the good ol secondary school so to run 1 round around the stadium, its like a hugeeee achievement for me. I ll try two the next time... after running for like 10 mins or so, we went to the gym which cost like $2.50 which is okay since most of the equipments are like rusty. When I say we, I meant Yasmin and me. So the place was okay. Only wished that the aircon was like waay colder than it was. It was like 50% warm and 50% cool. So its kinda sucky. And when we got there.. there were men!! Tens of em. And they are like huge!!! Big and muscular ( I’ m not oogling mind you, I meant it in a way like whoaaaa) they carry those huge dumbbells like 50kg a piece... well that is what I think they weigh.. so we did our exercise and went off after that... maybe it was our first time... so we need to work out on our routine. We were like walking around looking at machines. Those huge men probably think we were like some blonde bimbo trying to step cute well they are wrong coz firstly, u hafta be cute to step cute and 2ndly it would be a waste of precious time if we were to go there to look at big bulgy man and sit at starbucks and drink coffee.. pfftt.. some of the machine were like literally rusty! The seats are like fucking hard to move coz the wheel are like rusty! I ve seen some common machine. A few of my favourites back when I use to hit the gym and some new ones too. Good stuff I tell you. So anyone wanna join our little exercise group? Feel free to contact me or yasmin for more info. Hehehe... enuff said...
Don’t bother asking who this mistery booboo is.