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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lets talk bout books! I should have book reviews once in awhile doncha think? Ok for today, the book I wanna recommend is Daniel isn’t talking by Marti Leimbach .

Basically, the story is about a woman trying to accept the fact that her son is Autistic. Her marriage begins to deteriorate after they, Melanie and husband, Stephen, went to the doctor and their son, Daniel, was diagnose with Autism. The husband runs back to his old girlfriend leaving Melanie struggling to help their son. I shall not elaborate more coz I need to read the book till the end. If they make this story into a movie, I m sure the actors and actress deserve an award ( only if the performace is up to the standard of the book). I shall now continue reading!

1:54 PM

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hey all... happy 23rd January! I m just being random....soooo lemmie update stuff that happened for this entire week. So everyone must be wondering why the fuck did I change my url again. Well it’s the same reason like the last time.. parental intruder! Apparently after my mom secretly read my blog and me sniffing it out, she thinks I m an emo kid! With issues!
FYI, I m not emo. I do agree with the issues part cause I do have issues. I SUFFER FROM MCS! If anyone was wondering what MCS is, it is the acronym for Middle Child Syndrome. According to some quack whose website I visited, Lets shed some light on MCS
“Characteristics of a middle child: Mediator, fewest pictures in the family photo album, avoids conflict, independent, extreme loyalty to the peer group, many friends.
The middle born child may develop great social skills and have an easier time growing up with an other-centered point of view. The middle child knows what he or she is doing and tends to become very intelligent in their efforts to gain attention from siblings. Middle born children are usually quite talented, and their quest for perfection against their siblings can lead them to discover new and unlooked-for qualities, musically, academically, and theoretically. It has been suggested that middleborn children are more likely to be entrepreneurs. Karen E. Klein, a Los Angeles-based writer, suggested that a middleborn's innate skills in diplomacy plus their flexibility in ideas make them more susceptible to entrepreneurship.”

I disagree with some of the parts but agree with the rest. See! I don’t make the farking rule, I just follow em. Anways I decide to change my blog URL till someone rat me out again(i.e FORGETTING TO DELETE HISTORY ON MY MOM’S LAPPY AFTER USING!)
I m done with a few of my models and I m happy to say that I hope that I ll manage to end it off soon. Ahmad likes bringing his friend into lab and earlier, it was like a farking LAN gaming area. They even turn down the light for a LAN gaming ambience. Anyways I feel awkward being around Ahmad’s friend sometimes. I m not saying that they are mean. They are pretty nice and friendly. However, guys will be guys. They seemed oblivious to the fact that there is a girl in the room. They were talking bout girls that gave em a head and how wonderful the girl was when they were getting laid. I was practically squirming, if I had a choice, I d run out of the lab screaming and sit in the corner of the lab hugging my leg and sing a song loudly to drown their voice while rocking back and forth. Hehehe... yeah it was that awkward. I would never understand what goes in the mind of Ahmad’s friends.. like earlier, I tried to have a conversation with his friend Hafiz who was watching 13 Days of Nights on Ahmad’s computer... he showed me a gore scene which I find pretty gory but like whoa kind! Anyways here was how the conversation goes

Me : eh kau dah tengok citer Eden Lake? Aku tengok kat tv dalam bus and its like gore rabak giler
(Have u catch the movie Eden Lake? I saw in on the bus advert and it seemed really gory)
Hafiz : mmm tak . Belom lagi.
(mmmm nope, not yet )
Me : ouuh.. but kalau kau suker tengok citer We are England, aku rase kau suker citer nie its about this 1 couple...
(ouuh but if u like the movie We are England, I think you d like this one. Its about this one couple....)
Hafiz : Diorang tengah main?
(they were fucking? )
Me : Nooo...
Hafiz : Diorang tengah bogel?
(They were naked?)
Me : Nooo... it’s about this group of kids trying to kill them coz these two people killed the kids dog accidentally. Plenty of gore.

I manage to squeeze that in before he could ask anything else... I guess they appreciate movies like zombie stripper. Show boobs and get guys flocking into the cinema to catch the movie even if the storyline does not make sense.

I m not saying they are bad, I just don't get them!

11:31 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Hello peeps...! so I m gonna make a quick update...

Ok so projects are never ending, thank god its ending soon. I rather hit the books that stare at the school computer and worry bout datelines... pfftt. So I still have plenty of projects due and yet time is limited. In a few more weeks, my friends are graduating... means I lunch alone in school. Like yeah, sucks big time. I ll just have to survive it. Maybe drag Ahmad to lunch with me. That be fun. Ahakz!

So I manage to execute one of my resolution this year. I went to the gym on Friday. Apparently, everyone things its funny.... pfftt... what’s so funny bout an obese girl wanting to lose some extra pounds. At least I m doing something!!!! Chee bai.... so basically after 4 years of no exercise, jogging was like fucking hard. You see, I wasn’t much of a runner back in the good ol secondary school so to run 1 round around the stadium, its like a hugeeee achievement for me. I ll try two the next time... after running for like 10 mins or so, we went to the gym which cost like $2.50 which is okay since most of the equipments are like rusty. When I say we, I meant Yasmin and me. So the place was okay. Only wished that the aircon was like waay colder than it was. It was like 50% warm and 50% cool. So its kinda sucky. And when we got there.. there were men!! Tens of em. And they are like huge!!! Big and muscular ( I’ m not oogling mind you, I meant it in a way like whoaaaa) they carry those huge dumbbells like 50kg a piece... well that is what I think they weigh.. so we did our exercise and went off after that... maybe it was our first time... so we need to work out on our routine. We were like walking around looking at machines. Those huge men probably think we were like some blonde bimbo trying to step cute well they are wrong coz firstly, u hafta be cute to step cute and 2ndly it would be a waste of precious time if we were to go there to look at big bulgy man and sit at starbucks and drink coffee.. pfftt.. some of the machine were like literally rusty! The seats are like fucking hard to move coz the wheel are like rusty! I ve seen some common machine. A few of my favourites back when I use to hit the gym and some new ones too. Good stuff I tell you. So anyone wanna join our little exercise group? Feel free to contact me or yasmin for more info. Hehehe... enuff said...

Don’t bother asking who this mistery booboo is.

10:44 PM

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

My resolution for 2009 is to complete my last few years resolution which has been snowballing. Like, losing weight and yada yada yada…. I have to look through the piles of unresolved resolution and pick a few to complete at a time. Baby steps people! Anyways, so much is happening 2009 like me graduating…what do I feel? Well nothing really. Maybe because my parents have already pre-planned my life and I have no say on it. Sucky? Yes, very much. And I m turning a ripe old age of 20 this year. *sigh* oldness creeps up on you doesn’t it?

School sucks as usual. Never ending 3D modelling project. Kinda frustrating. Got fucked by my supervisor earlier for not updating and wasting my time yesterday coz I didn’t do much yesterday. FUCK! I spend more time and completed more modelling than Ahmad okay! And Ahmad barely send even 1 completed project and all she said was

“It’s okay. As long as u send her one project, she would at least know that you did something in the lab.”

So let me get this straight, I send over 1 completed project and gonna send over another one tomorrow but get fucked up with. While Ahmad have yet to complete even 1 model and he gets the nice treatment. Is it because I penis impaired? Or does doing your work just makes you a bad person? I am sooo counting down to the end of this project. Like honestly, I gave up on ever hoping to get a great grade for my project. I ll settle for minimal.

Have you guys been watching the news lately? I hate TvMobile. Cause every morning, in the bus, on my way to school. The stupid Narrowband catching signal conducted by Mediacorp will air PrimeTime Morning. All most of the news rotates on war in Gaza. Bombs and stuff. It really dampens my mood. Why do they do that?? Spoils morning for some people. Why can’t they put on good stuff in the morning? Like cartoons or something? Cartoons are good! They don’t have pictures of wars and blood covered toddlers crying in a hospital. And to all those people discussing about the war and those politicians that talks bout trying to make peace in the middle east, FUCK YOU! All I see are talks after talks after talks. Is there no one in this big blue planet wanna do something about it? Someone with influence, power and money that can actually do something meaningful to the world. Like stopping the war. I m not saying stopping the fight between the middle eastern countries. These people have fallen out with each other since the days of the prophet so to actually make them go all huggy and kissy with each other will never happen. I doubt it will happen in my lifetime *ponders*

Yep! Never gonna happen.

So let me see if I covered enough grounds in this post. Hmm,

war *check*

unreasonable teacher *check*

Growing old *check*

Being forced into something I don’t like after I graduate *checked*

I think I covers most ground of why my life is pretty much dull in 2009. I m not emo mind you. I just don’t enjoy bottling up trivial stuff…

But hey what do I know? I m just a 19 year old girl leading a pre planned life.

4:33 PM

Miss Vainity!