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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So yesterday, there was like a huge traffic congestion at the causeway bridge and one of the expressway. Since I was already late from the heavy traffic at the causeway, I took a cab to school. To think that I had to detour coz there was only 1 passable lane at the expressway since the accident took up 2 lanes. And to add to that, the cab fare was like $31.30! Which of course included the 35% surcharge. Fuck! That is like the most expensive cab ride in my whole entire life. Pffttt… oh yeaahh… booboo got a blog! Hehehe I just had to write that in for some reason.

Anyways, had been told by my supervisor that I have to extend my mp term for like another week due to uncompleted projects and stuff.


Will it ever end? Will it? Grrr… but to think about it, I don’t think I can handle next semester. I mean, its like my final semester. The last few days of my poly life before I decide what to do. Enjoy it while I still can right? I m still not ready for the workforce. But eventually I have to learn to grow up and accept responsibilities like a responsible adult. Pfffttt… arcade anyone?

Blog soon!

10:22 AM

Thursday, February 19, 2009

001. Real name - Nur Liyana Bte Zaaba

002. Nickname(s)- Adek,yana,tabby, Liy, Lily

003. Star sign - Aquarius

004. Male or female -female

005. Kindergarten - Al-Mukminin
006. Primary School - Dazhong/Admiralty
007. Secondary School - Woodlands Sec
008. Hair color - black
009. Long or short - medium
010. Loud or Quiet - amplified loud!
011. Sweets or Chocolates - Chocolate! dark ones!
012. Phone or Camera - Camera phone!
013. Health freak - Health freak are never fat okay!
014. Drink or Smoke? - Neither
015. Do you have a crush on someone? - mmmm nop.. but i m thinking of someone :D
016. Eat or Drink - I m a heavy drinker!
017. Piercings - yes... used to..
018. Tattoos - nada...
019. Been in an airplane - Yep
020. Been in a relationship - Yep
021. Been in a car accident - Ya. but all lame la... no blood loss or hospitalise case yet..
022. Been in a fist fight -Nop... but i have been in a bite fight!


023. First piercing - age 10
024. First best friend - MMmm kindergarten.. his name is zulhelmi and his ears are like dumbo's.
025. First award - Ratu kebaya 2001-2007 ppffttt....
026. First crush - yeah.. i was 4 and it was my relative... eewww incest!
028. First vacation - Kindergarten

029. Last person you talked to - My mader!
030. Last person you texted - mmm kak min!
031. Last person(s) you watched a movie with - retard
032. Last food you ate - Nasi goreng with fried eggs
033. Last movie you watched - Zack and Miri making a porno... funny la sia
034. Last song you listened to - My life would suck without you by Kelly Clarkson
035. Last thing you bought - mmm yest lunch
036. Last person you hugged - My kitty kat!


037. Food - Butter Fried rice with fried egg and sweet soy sauce! heavenly!
038. Drinks -Ice Kopi... shaken not stirred
039. Clothing -short and tankies!
040. Books - Daniel isn't talking
041. Music - anything other then metal and techno
042. Flower - Sunflower
043. Colors - Yellow
044. Movies - Comedies/chickflick
045. Positions - fetus
046. Subjects -Current affairs!

047. [ ] Kissed in the snow
048. [ ] celebrated Halloween
049. [x ] had your heart broken and amended
050. [x ] went over the minutes on your cell phone
051. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation
052. [ ] came out of the closet
053. [ ] gotten pregnant
054. [x ] had an abortion(i abort my faeces! abort! abort!)
055. [x] done something you've regretted
056. [x] broke a promise
057. [x] hid a lot of secrets
058. [x] pretended to be happy
059. [x] met someone who changed your life
060. [x] pretended to be sick
061. [x] left the country
062. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
063. [x] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
064. [ ] ran a mile
065. [x] stayed virgin for the whole year(always okay! not just for a year!)
066. [x] stayed single the whole year


067. typing...yes
068. Drinking - nope
069. I'm about to - answer this question
070. Listening to - Taylor Swift - Love story (Lomeo! save me lei!)
071. Plans for today -Trying to model a midieval knight...
072. Waiting for - Someone to online!
073. Want kids? - duh~!
074. Want to get married? - i can't make babies without getting married first! want want legitimate kids!
075. Careers in mind -Anything to do with Business and not forced upon by my unreasonable parents


076. Lips or eyes -Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? -taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous -Spontaneously Romantic!
079. Nice stomach or nice arms - mmm not picky!
080. Sensitive or loud -Sensatively Loud... wahahaha
081. Hook-up or relationship - Relationship of course
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant - Hesistantly Trouble-maker.


083. Lost glasses/contacts -Always!
084. Ran away from home - nop...not financially stable to support myself... besides, home got free cooked food!
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense - nop.. i m a baton kinda person... whack till blue black!
086. Killed somebody - nop... my life dream... pffttt
087. Broken someone's heart -yep... not proud of it
088. Been arrested -Nop... plenty of warning letter though
089. Cried when someone died - Yes obviously... girls cry all the time

090. Yourself - Yes, i believe in Iself
091. Miracles -Yes
092. Love at first sight -Maybe... i prefer love from character/personality!
093. Heaven -Yes
094. Santa Claus - Nop... I believe in Sandy Claws
95. Sex on the first date - noooo!
096. Kiss on the first date -maybe... does that make me a slut?

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? - Yeah... darn Pasific Ocean!
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? - I m contented... no financial woes and happy to find someone to spend my time with
099. Do you believe in God - Yes
100. This is the 100th and last. - Technically its 99 question! there is 1 question missing! where is 027?!

10:57 AM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hello peeps! UPDATE! So last weekend, I went and met up with my mentee at Muhammadiyah Welfare Home. He looked sleepy and we d play UNO and stuff.. I heart my uno card! There’s Doraemon character on it! Hehehe lame… I know…. Anyways, after that boring session with mentee, met up with Fyra before joining the rest for our volunteer gathering. Apparently, I m not the only camwhore around. They were too!! Shocking! Hehehe…

I think I m haunted. Like seriously! I kept losing stuff in my own bag I would take 10 min going through every pockets and stuff and will not find it. Like just now, when I was like looking for my thumbdrive. I swear to god, I look for it in every single pockets in the bag, in my pencil box, and even my makeup bag. NADA! And now poof! It appears in one of the pocket. This is not the first time. And I m freaking out! Ok no. I m not freaking out. But I m pretty scared though.

Like the song?! I m like totally addicted to it! I wish I had a promise ring.. pffttt…(hint..hint).

“If ya break ya promise we breakin up
Got a couple things that I want
Walks in the park and sweet things
If I rock your promise ring”

My new earworm! Blog soon!

10:27 AM

Friday, February 06, 2009

Wootz! Hello! Counting down to the last few days left of SIP. Hehehe I, Nur Liyana, have made a mind blasting breakthrough which will leave all of you speechless…


I convince my parents as to not send me over to study at KL to get a degree!


It was simple really. All I had to do was to convince them that by the time I graduate from Malaysia’s university, I would be 24! When…. if I were to pursue it here, I would graduate by 22 the most. And I can pursue further studies! But the downside to this whole situation is that, I have to work while taking a part-time course. Well if u bargain with the devil, u have to sell your soul in return. Same goes for this, if I wanna get a degree in 1 year with govt subsidising it, I hafto sacrifice my youth and work! Hehehe…

So enough of studies, let me just do a quick update of the past few days that I went on a hiatus. I had my birthday… turned 20 on the 1st. wasn’t much of a partying mood coz.. being 20 means u have a 2 in front not a 1.. Which means, more responsibility, more truck load of challenges and more heart breaks. Let’s just say 19 left a sad chapter in my life. So I guess from now on. I have to make nice with my other living granny and try not to get pissed easily coz she tends to say all the wrong things at the wrong time. That’s the beauty of life, grannies grow old… hurt you unintendedly but eventually the last few moments with them are precious.

Well okay that’s enough of drama for me… skipping on to stuff I did over the weekend. Mmmm went to the final 4PM volunteer training. And it was super fun… Made new friends maybe a future bestie.. you might never know! Hehe.. so after the training, went to Changi beach and joined my sis and her friends, Zura , Fiza and Faiz for some fun under the sun. I didn’t do much of sun fun… just some hut sleeping.
Ride bikes and finally went to Bussorah St for drinks and sheesha. Faiz was one heck of a cook! he should be one of those iron chef. He invent killer recipes and it taste so good. I should learn from him. Anyways back to the sheesha, we went to this particular restaurant… called amirah’s grill. Lasting impression… I just wanna stay there.. when we were walking around at Haji Lane for some sheesha, most of the place are jammed pack. And the air-con weren’t working. So we walked around till we stumble upon amirah’s grill. For just $5 an hour, we can get a private room with a huge tv and dvd player. With air-con and fan! We fit 7 people in 1 room. The sheesha cost $15 while the drinks, as always, are pretty expensive. But! It was worth the money spent coz the drinks are worthwhile. I had the fresh fruit punch and it was really really good. If u go there, u have to try that out. So after like 2 hours later, the bill coz up to $48.. they waiver the room due to some technical reason. Even if they didn’t waiver it… $58 for 7 people?! That is like less than $10 per person. They have 2 branch one is on Pahang street. I m sooo dragging all my friends there coz.. u can have a huge function room (max 15) for $5! All the room cost $5.. except for weekdays coz its…FREE!..
Thats all for now! i ll blog bout the 4PM outing with the mentors soon!

9:39 AM

Miss Vainity!