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Friday, July 24, 2009

Am I angry and frustrated? Very much so. You see, I am an avid volunteer and I do it because I enjoy it very much. But for some people, becoming a volunteer is a mere attempt to get as much attention on oneself or simply just because there is a glimpse of finding a nice future husband. And honestly I regret to ever invite "HER" (You guys should know who I am talking about.) to be part of the volunteer organisation family. Regret it for the rest of my life. You see, no wonder how bad her character and her real personality is, my father will never see anything wrong with her. It's like she is flawless and misunderstood. Other than the contributing factor of having the teachers call home and having numerous number of people catching her in the act, she is free to do whatever she likes with nothing but a slap on the wrist. As for me, everything is just shoved down my throat. No question asked, do it or die. I get punish for something I didn't do.

Honestly is that fair?

Some may quote "Life is never fair". Sure life is never fair, that's why idiots are put in high ranking offices. Words can't really explain how disappointed I feel right now. I really don't see the point of stating the obvious. Let's see the evidence shall we?



  • Fucked up at school
  • Caught by numerous people yet still denies it
  • Lie to hang out with friends
  • Screw siblings over just so that she have friends to hang out with.
  • Wasted hundred over dollars in tuition just to flunk
  • Working butt off at school
  • Sacrifice time to work for family.
  • Hardly go out with friends
  • Stay up late just to do assignment when coming home late everyday
  • Never once said no to whatever my parents demands were.

I know that I am not perfect. I struggle with school on a regular basis. I m not saying that I am a genius whenever it comes academically but what sets me apart from her is that I work hard to get where I am right now. Even if I don't make it, I know that I didn't go down without a fierce fight.

Why am I suddenly bringing up about it? Let me tell you what happen just earlier. I came home, tired as usual. So I ask my dad (politely) if I can go for the Volunteer Induction on Sunday. And he raised his voice at me and said no. Reason being that I have to concentrate for my exam when I told him that I was going to get my study done on Saturday. So she can go gallivanting with her friends at KL and fuck up at school and I can't even go do something out of good will. I guess to him, I need to be whip to shape. Whereas she get to go around and paint the town red. I am honestly tired. I wish I have the guts to rebel. But I don't. Call me a coward for respecting my parents, I don't really care. I hope one day my dad will realise that I m not her. I m getting choked up just to blog about it.

I ll blog soon.

10:04 PM

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hello there! I keep losing my hair band for some reason. It was on my hair earlier and poof! Its missing now. Dammit! So anyways, yesterday, went to granny’s place and cousin start talking bout this new rumor that have been speculating around about an old lady selling fish crackers and that she bring along a banshee with her.

Yes, you read it right, a banshee.

For those who are not so advance or powderful in your English, banshee means a dead woman who died a tragic death and her soul is out to scare the crap of random strangers cause she is bored with her everyday routine which is to float around aimlessly. So anyway’s this makcik(mature lady) sells fish crackers and if you refuse to buy it, she will send a banshee to your place. Firstly, why does she need to send a banshee?

If her keropok is good, I m sure there are lazy ass malay family that will buy it in an instance, especially when there is fried rice around ( fuck! I m salivating). And to make it more suspiciously lame, the sms sender will ask you to have a broomstick and used rusty nail. I m sure the banshee will fear getting hit over the head with a broomstick or threaten to poke her with a rusty nail causing her to fall over and die from gangrene in an instance. So make sure! Once u find a rusty nail, hang a picture on it!!! So it will no longer be unused. Don’t wanna scare the banshee with a rusty unused nail, just because she’s dead, doesn’t mean she is uneducated!

So anyways, for me, I m not sure if the story is true of not. If it’s true, then you all are doomed for hell!! (I stay in johor, the banshee doesn’t have a passport hehehe..). I assume the makcik is a good marketing strategist, cause she makes profit whether you like it or not. Or maybe she is really a good lady trying to make an honest living but some envious lady decide to pour sand in her rice bowl and spread lies about her.

Does this apply to muffin sellers as well? (Tasha’s fav muffin)

Seriously people, don’t get over immensely hype out about it, how trustworthy are there sources? I m not saying that I don’t believe in the other realm which is beyond what our naked eyes can see but scaring yourself at wits end over news of the poor lady selling keropok. Maybe it’s a conspiracy plot so that you people will stop talking bout MJ death. I don’t know really, I m just speculating on that one. Maybe I should start making rumors and hopefully one day my cookies will be hot in demand too.

*shines torchlight under chin*

I heard, there was an attractive 20 year old who sell cookies in Johor, she came across the makcik selling keropok and they went on an all out war. It was crazy, everything was in slow motion, the banshee tries to strangle her, but she was quick enough to shove a cookie in her(banshee) mouth, rendering the banshee into a state of daze and blown up from the delicious-ness of the girl’s cookie. The old lady sprint of her dear life and swore to attack Singapore with her clone banshee that she have deep fried at home. In order to get rid of the evil banshee, the girl's cookie is your only salvation. She is The One.

Realistic enough? Ahahah maybe that will boost my cookie sale. So anyways, enough typing for now. Oh before I leave, I have to address something that I find really annoying. The school should employ me as a customer service at their engine hall 1 cause apparently out of so many people here, they tend to enquire stuff from me, do I have a “Information Desk” note stuck at the back of my head or something? And apparently out of so many computer here, they prefer to ask to use mine whenever they can’t log on. My problem is it? If you can’t long on means you are stupid and u should quit poly. Enough of the angry post.

Blog soon ya!

12:02 PM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hallo peeps. Another boring day of lectures and labs and stuffing my brain with extra unnecessary information.


Anyways, let me tell you a story. It happened to me in a bus a few days ago on the way to the office. I was minding my own business and was sitting at the lower deck of a double deck bus. It was a very lazy Monday afternoon and I had just completed an uber long day of school. So I was sitting on the bus at the seats where u can see the person sitting opposite you. Still can't figure out what I m saying, ugh fine! I ll draw!

Ok so we get that out of the way, I was minding my own business while watching reruns of Just for Gags at TvMobile when these two old ladies started talking. Since they were taking in their native tongue, I ignore them and carried on laughing lamely on the various pranks pulled on innocent Caucasians. When suddenly...

My nostril was greeted by this overwhelming smell of rottenness. I was like "what the freak!". I was looking around in an attempt to sniff out a dead rat or cockroach but sadly there wasn't any. It was bugging the hell out of me. Why is the smell so strong? So I wonder for awhile.

Is it me?

I sniff myself just to be sure. But nope, it wasn't me. I was like ¼ through my journey still long long long way to go. So after failing to find the source of pollution, I tried to ignore it. Taking holding my breath whenever the smell lingers. Only then after like 3/5 of the journey I turned my head and then I notice! The smell came from the lady who was sitting next to me.


I wanted to move seats but since the journey was coming to an end, I decided to stick and bear with it. Seriously, would it kill those people to brush their teeth? Eat a mint or something! The bus is a PUBLIC, I repeat, PUBLIC transport. Have we not learn from what happen when there are excessive pollution?


Toxic breath can render people unconscious! Not to mention leaving a scarred memory of the bus ride taken on 13/07/2009. How I wish I can Clorox my nose clean from the evil stench.


I shall blog soon!

6:31 PM

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I don't know why but the song and this picture of him just make me go sigh-ing in content


I don't care that he has been sunburned badly or that this picture make his forehead look huge (he said it so himself) hehehehe....But looking at em just make me go all happy... I shall now stare at this picture and smile to myself...
Blog soon!

11:51 PM

Miss Vainity!