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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A day at school,

Me: Zul, nanti nak gi blaja?
(Zul, u wanna go study later?)

Zul: Erm tak kesah.
(Sure no problem.)

Me: Mat(Referring to Ahmad), kau nak gi blaja nari?
(Mat, you wanna go study today?)

Ahmad: Nari? Okay uh bole
(Today? Sure no problem)

30 min later,

Ahmad: Liyana, aku rasa nari aku tak jadi blaja uh. Aku cam nak demam.
(Liyana, I don’t think I can make it today. I m coming down with a fever)

Me: pfftt fine! Aku blaja dengan Zul aje
‘’ ‘’ (I ll study with Zul then)

Zul: I don’t think I can make it today. Nak abiskan project. Dateline besok.
‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ '' '' '' ( I have to complete my project. Dateline is tomorrow)

Me: Ah yelah korang dua-dua tak boleh means aku kena belajar sorang la nie?
(Pfft… Since you both can’t make it today, I have to go study alone right?)

Thanks a lot. -___-

12:00 AM

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hello. Sorry for going M.I.A for the most part. Anyways, the interview wasn't all that bad. But I still hate my Ccom teacher. Have you ever been in a situation where you unknowingly battered the teachers ego. I felt like I did that just because the interview went well and he went the extra mile to make me speechless. It was going well, I research on what I have to do, get dress right for the occasion and did all the necessary rehearsal before the interview. Since it was going uber great, he throws in a curve ball. Start talking to me like as if I was really interested in the mock interview job. Honestly, I find the job scope interesting but without any knowledge in arts, I d probably suck balls. So he cornered me and got me speechless and he had this smirk on his face. Only God know how much I feel like slapping him and giving him the finger before walking out of that room. It was so tempting, but I restrain myself. I was better than that. Heck, I was better than him. Apparently, I m not the only one that can't stand him. Plenty of those been in his firing range. So last week, we had a project assignment for Mobile Com, I ganged up with Azlina to get the job done. We had a bumpy start but it went fine along the way. Azlina had some serious panic issues. We had 1 minute left and she froze coz she made a tiny error

Azlina: OMG!! I wrote the equation wrong it suppose to be MHz!! I wrote KHz... omg omg omg!

Me: stop panicking! Just change it to MHz!!

Azlina: I can't! Omg omg omg!

She literally froze staring at the paper. It was funny and tense moment back there. So on the Friday, I met up with Krun and Firdaus just for alittle get together. We went on a food expedition! So for that day, we decided to investigate this new eatery call "Vintage deli cafe". So I met sick Krun at Bugis while firdaus went to pray at Sultan Mosque, we waited for him outside when he was carrying a packet of food and said it was free. And yes, I gave him the wtf stare. So anyways, this restaurant is like very cosy. It has only been running for the past 3 months. The foods are mostly western and Italian. The service is superb and the people there are warm and friendly. Not the kind of service you would expect from vendors at Sultan Mosque area. So if you happen to be around there do drop by their little restaurant. The food price range is not that expensive but it can be quite a pinch if you are looking for an eatery that serve your typical everyday hawker food.

Exam is like around the corner but I m like a huge procrastinator.. Pfftt.. insyaAllah I will start eventually. Pray hard for me babes! Till then, Tabby outz!

Blog soon!

1:00 AM

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Its Sunday and I m studying.. wohoo! Major improvement! Since it is the start of a wonderful week, i got $400 to spare for the next month. I honestly need to have a better finance system. Since the past couple of weeks, I've tried to live of $5 a day and it was working well got a few couple of dollars in saving till my old habit kicks in.

It was a beeaaauutiful Thursday afternoon. Went to the student admission building to collect my metric card. So when I left the place, I thought to myself " heeyy why don't I just hit the library since I have hours to spare" since it is a requirement for us to take our temperature before heading into the library, I went to the temperature taking station nearest to the library....

Business school....

So there I was, walking and getting my temperature taken when I walk pass a pushcart. Plenty of people there and I thought what the heck, I was looking around for nice bargains when I saw a box of eyelashes. Since my interview is this Friday I thought it would be nice to have big bright looking eyes. I went to the girl and we talked. Before I realise what I have done, I have actually forked out $12 for 10 PAIRS OF LASHES! I walked to the library a little daze and when I came to my senses,


All I needed was a pair and I ended up with 10.


So to make it worst, the next day, I was suppose to meet Tasha earlier for lunch but somehow she didn't wake up and decide to cancel on me pfftttt!!! Since it was GPS Foxhunt Friday, I wasn't exactly dress for the occasion. So I was looking around for a tracksuit or something. Went to metro but nothing was much to my liking or appropriate for the beach. So I headed to John Little. Some of the stuff are available at metro at the same price. Talk about redundant, Tasha, tell your mom to ask her company to stock up on stuff other store don't have or at least make it cheaper than the other competitors. Anyways, as I was browsing through, had nothing in particular really, I saw some uber cute maxi dress sadly, the bust area are too small... pfft... so I went back to put the stuff on the shelves which I rarely do and came upon this uber cute empire cut dress and I was like hmmmm I should try this and guess what...


Not to mention it was appropriate for a day at the beach. Took the dress off and look at the price trying to brace myself from the pain that would surge in my all so empty pockets and it cost....


I was like what the freak! 8 dollars for a dress that fits me?! I went out of the fitting room smiling from ear to ear and of course I got another one of the dress in different colour and pattern. Hehehe... It was dirt cheap! I ll post the picture of the dress soon. Chris been asking for me to take a picture in it and I was like "sure.." I will post it but I m not sure when I m gonna wear it again. It's too cute to be worn too often.

See Tasha, you could have gotten to see me in that uber cute dress if you weren't too lazy to wake up from bed.

And today, of course, I went to Jusco to get more clothes however, this is for the interview! Hehehe Jusco was having a sale so. Why not take this opportunity to get nice office attire for Friday. Got some good bargains on a button down blouse which actually cost RM59.90 for RM17.10. Hate to admit it but I am a sucker for sale stuff. Spend like RM 100 for an entire outfit for Friday. Modest Yana for interview lolz!

So I still have like $50 more to spend on covered shoes and makeup. I think it is more than enough actually. Knowing me and my forte in rummaging bargain bin like a big ol racoon in a dumpster.

Well till then :D Blog soon!

10:56 PM

Miss Vainity!